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Saturday, December 22, 2012


Equipsupply is a distribution company providing tools, materials, goods, resources, parts and fixtures to companies around the world. With internet only sales this business has achieved an overwhelming success in the business that many brick and mortar rivals have yet to see.

The company has 30 years of experience in the industry. This company has the utmost to offer customers and clients in the form of competitive prices and an extensive variety of merchandise. A knowledgeable single minded focus permits Equipsupply to  not only serve customers in a manner which leaves them satisfied, but to also keep them coming back for more.

There are over 40,000 varieties of tools, supplies, parts and accessories on hand for delivery to Equipsupply’s retail customer base on any given day. Not only is this an enormous inventory to select from, but the brands and names associated with the inventory are tied to credibility, trustworthiness and quality. This assures every client shopping with the company for event supplies or concession machines will have reliability in the materials they purchase.

Hfaving the right staffing for the business is beneficial in helping to achieve customer satisfaction. A technology driven call center operated by skilled reps is on hand to satisfy all client needs. A comprehensive, innovative and easy to navigate website delivers uncomplicated access to materials and supplies on hand. This wonderful website creates an atmosphere of ease and reliability for shopping with Equipsupply. Not only is customer service available through the website, email and phone 24/7, but customers have access to  personal account info at any time as well.

Any business fulfilling the needs of their clients will expect and receive gratitude in the form of allegiance and devotion to their brand. Equipsupply is able to state with reliability they have indeed supplied and received these merits in the trade with the impeccable service and products they deliver.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Know the Current Job Market to Get a Job

The amount of individuals across our nation searching for employment is astounding. The employment situation in America is a daily news discussion which has lots of people on edge. The current job market is the result of a lot of people being unemployed. The job market has changed and a number of people are not prepared for these transformations which leaves them out in the cold and without a job. Knowing what is in the job market will help people understand what they need to do to increase their chance of landing a job when they need it.

New college graduates cannot find jobs

Newly graduated college students unable to find jobs have astounded the public. When individuals graduate from college with a degree and are unable to find work we need to wonder what the issue really is. In all actuality before our current recession people with a college degree rarely worked in the field for which they were educated. Up to 65% of people worked in a different field than their college training prepared them for. Though, the job market was a lot different than it is today. A number of jobs didn’t require a college degree or training to get your foot in the door. A college degree was certainly an added plus, but not necessary.

Depending on your major it can be difficult to find employment. Imagine what sort of job you could actually receive if you graduated with a degree in Political Science and wanted to work in the field. Unless you were actually going to become part of the government or service to elections and related fields, you would find yourself in other positions totally unrelated. What about the person with a major in Art History? What sort of job would you actually be able to apply this degree to? This is why a lot of graduates cannot find work. They don’t have the necessary degree or training for the current job market.

Jobs are changing

Technology has affected the current job market. Jobs that were offered in the 70s and 80s have changed. The 90s were preparing us somewhat for the change that was bound to occur, but a lot of individuals disregarded what was on the horizon. With the software revolution jobs that required manual labor were decreased and technology jobs increased.

Software engineers and web designer jobs are rampant while pipe fitters and machinists are not. A lot of jobs that historically were manually done can now be done with technology. Workers that are unable to adapt to the new jobs or new way of performing a job are out of luck. Additionally, with the implementation of technology where 3 people were needed to perform a job only one is needed now. This is how the phrase “downsizing” initially began.

Competing globally for jobs

Along with the revolution in technology workers now compete for jobs globally. Instead of competition with the United States millions of workers, we compete with everyone around the world for the same position. Unfortunately, some of these jobs are lost because of the financial status of other countries. When an employer can pay less and offer fewer benefits, other countries win out over American workers.

Supply and demand for jobs

Supply and demand affects the job market. Business is the demand piece of the puzzle while workers are the supply. Not enough qualified workers affect the current job market. Companies have open positions for new jobs, but workers are not qualified to fill them.

Without enough workers to fill the demand that businesses have for jobs, several things will happen. One of these is wonderful. Companies will increase the amount of pay for open positions in order to entice workers to fill them. Along with more money benefits will also be better.

On the down side of the equation the supply of workers that are not qualified to fill the positions will mean a great number of people are out of work. There are actually jobs in the marketplace, but not enough qualified workers to fill the open jobs.

In conclusion

Know the current job market to understand how you can get the position you want and deserve. Job hunting can be difficult, but there are some things that can ease the pain. If the openings are for software engineers and web designers, focus your college education for where the market will be when you graduate. Following your passions and dreams of becoming a marine biologist is terrific, but will you be able to pay the bills after you graduate. A better course of action would be to invest in technology, engineering and related fields of study.

If you currently are out of work, consider retraining or education that can move you into the technology and jobs that are in our current job market. Researching business magazines like Forbes or Wallstreet will reveal what the market is offering and the direction of businesses that are hiring.

Job hiring sites or hiring job boards like or also display what open jobs are hot. The web is a wonderful place to query what jobs are in demand. Do your research and get a job that can fulfill you financially and personally. The current job market has changed the way we do things for landing a job and we need to change with it.
pic is courtesy of

Know You Financial Worth for a Job Interview

One of the bigger mistakes a lot of people make when applying for a job they don’t know what they are worth. Knowing your financial worth for an interview is extremely important in getting what you want out of a position money-wise with any company and getting what you deserve.

The standard questions during any interview will generally include things like why do you want to work for our company? Why you should I hire you? Etc. Though, the most important question that a lot of interviewees flop on is “what are you salary expectations?”  What you anticipate you will make while you work with a business is a question lots of people will have an answer for. Having the correct one is extremely important.

The answer individuals want to give and the one they actually provide may not coincide or at times the incorrect one is given. Never be afraid to ask for the accurate amount of money for working a job.  Deliver the right answer for what salary you expect to earn. Do your homework before you reply.

A great number of interviewees will underestimate their actual financial worth. You may see the ad for the position offering a range of salary. The range will characteristically be the lowest salary to the highest salary for the position. Make certain the response you give to the question of what your salary expectations are is the right one to assure you receive the income you merit.

For an example, if you are applying for a job as a customer service manager always you do your homework to discover what you should ask for.  You will need to investigate and make inquiries (educated) into the starting salary for customer service managers and how it relates to you. This means when the question is asked, you answer with the right response. If the average earnings are $40,000 and you advise you expect $32,000, you could lose out on $8000 a year simply because you did not take the time to know what you are worth.

A salary range is the spread or difference between the highest and lowest salary for a position. Other things taken into consideration when researching the salary that you can expect includes what part of the nation you live in, if you have a college degree, additional training or certification also means you are adding more money to the base salary you solicit. Asking for the addition money above the base salary will be done with little issue if you substantiate you earned it.

Another great example is an accountant with a range for pay of $31,000 to $42,000 and you have researched that with your credentials, experience and other factors you should solicit $40,000. Answer the question with $40,000 as a response. Don’t get caught in the trap that you currently make $29,000 and $31,000 or $33,000 feels like a great increase in your current wages. Know your worth and make certain you get it.

Several websites will help with discovering salary for positions. Check these out and get the earnings that you know you deserve.

Not only will the incorrect answer cost you financially, but it could possibly cost you the interview. Underestimating the average starting salary for an open position could relay to the interviewer that you didn’t do due diligence in researching info for the customer service manager position. Discovering the salary range for any position is part of the necessary research for a job interview.

great interview info for salary negotiations dos and donts