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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Having the Best Skype Job Interview Possible

When a lot of interviewees discover an interview will be conducted via Skype they feel a small panic in the pit of their stomach. Do not let this happen to you. In fact, an interview through Skype can be more fulfilling and satisfying than having a face to face meet with a hiring manager or related personnel.

Getting the best out of a job interview through Skype is not that difficult. Skype is an online video service that is being utilized for a number of different corporate processes, including interviewing. It makes for an easy exchange of information and convenient for companies as well as individuals on a number of fronts.

Many find it less stressful than an in person meet for a job, less expensive than traveling to and from an interview (especially for out of town business prospects) and it avoids things like bad breathe or bad weather. However, do not confuse this type of interview with having less significance than other types. Being prepared with the right information for your interview will make a difference.

Our body language conveys a lot when we communicate with each other. This makes Skype interviews more noteworthy than phone interviews, but slightly less weighty than a face to face meet since the entire body is not visualized. The major point that should never be ignored with this type of application for a job is to make certain all visual cues are observed. The added obstacle of technology can make it tricky.

Make a Skype interview work in your favor when possible by using these tips;

Lighting is essential

The lighting used is important. A dark room or backdrop presents shadows which can fool the camera into making you look older than your years and less attractive. Many job seekers use additional lighting not found in the average room to enhance their features.

Clipping extra lights to structures that hang from above are better than a table lamp. Table lamps can create shadows. Either bring in extra lights or invest in some from your local home goods store.

Wear the right colors

Wearing the correct color clothes are vital for a face to face meeting and hold true for the Skype interview as well. Although black is slimming, it doesn’t do a lot of interviewees justice with technology. Instead consider solid jewel hues which will brighten the contours of the face. Solids work best. A little pattern without being too busy is okay, but stay away from anything that screams “where is Waldo”.

Do not get too comfortable

Being comfortable is fine for the park or play date, but not your next job interview. Remember, this is a job interview like any other that happens to be conducted via a computer. Although you may be in your own living room or study-you are interviewing for your next business or professional position and should dress as such.

Make certain the workspace or back drop behind you is clean and free of all clutter. A clear workspace means a clear and certain mind for a lot of interviewers. Even if you work better with the clutter, you may not have the chance to explain your working methodology to a hiring manager.

Keep the phone and television off during this time and get rid of pets and the children while taking care of your business.

Look directly at the camera

Interviewing with a camera is not much different when it comes to looking into your interviewer’s eyes while having a conversation.  Remember to smile into the camera just like sitting across from the person speaking to you with Skype.

Reduce nervousness

Keep the screen shot of yourself minimized to reduce nervousness. Sit up straight and tall and keep your hands as non-busy as possible. There are a number of people that speak with body movement moving their heads or lots of hand gestures. This can be distracting using Skype communication. Try and remain calm and secure during the exchange by keeping body movement to a minimum. Sitting up straight will project your voice in a positive manner and tone.

In conclusion

These are tips to make a Skype interview successful and having the best Skype job interview possible. Although they may seem small they are huge in nature when technology replaces a face to face meeting for your next job opportunity. Skype is a friend indeed when it comes to getting the job and can replace the traditional meeting of hiring managers and interviewees in our modern age of the computer.

courtesy of

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Best Way to Update Your Resume for the New Year

It is a new year with new things going on. An enormous amount of folks take this time to make New Year’s resolutions.  As part of getting ready to improve your life as you form new resolutions, consider updating and fine-tuning a resume. Take the time to make it the best possible piece of information which will show an employer how great you are. Find the best ways to update your resume for the New Year.

Even the smallest changes to a resume could potentially have an enormous effect on how an employer treats it and sees you.

Reminder to make each one unique

For many job hunters it may seem as though every employer is putting your terrific resume in their shredder. This is because big business today is in the habit of utilizing huge databases for processing resumes submitting for consideration. In fact, if you have failed to personalize a resume specifically for each and every job opportunity, you could be wasting your time sending one out with the current processing procedures in place. This is another reason why it is essential you have a resume up to the task of getting that next terrific job you have your heart set on. Making certain you have updated your resume for the New Year will move you closer to your goal.

Remove any jobs that do not apply

Having your original master doc resume on file is essential. This is generally long and drawn out with details and information which will not apply for every open position you seek. Every job you have ever held is included, along with different adaptations for various jobs you have applied for in the past. Whenever you put an application or resume in for an open position, double-check you have removed any jobs that do not apply on the new resume you create.

Never send out a document with inaccurate info. Remember that summer you worked for Uncle Ted? If it doesn’t pertain or add to the current position your submitting an application for, remove it.

Showcase any recent accomplishments

This is an easy one to overlook, but could hold a lot of weight depending on what you are applying for. Talents and accomplishments are what will certainly set you apart from the pack. These are specific to you personally and no two applicants are alike. Update these and keeping adding to the list.

Nearly everyone is expanding and growing constantly. Highlighting accomplishments you made of late is wonderful for a resume makeover. Generally people will have triumphs and successes highlighted on the doc. Though, having those specifically related to the job at hand are always the best ones to showcase if you must narrow down the list.

Have the correct address information

Believe it or not an address, one of the first things an employer sees, is incorrect a lot of the time on resumes. For most employees, this is like a name that you simply skim before getting to the meat and guts of a resume to make changes. Make sure address and phone numbers are not simply cut and pasted without editing. Treat both as part of the makeover for your New Year resume. Ensure the correct address is on every new form going out the door.

Another important part of address info that many would be employees fails to consider is where you live in relation to where a business is located.  Recruiters searching for a new employee want to see an address in their local area and not two states over. An out of area address will have a tendency to be a resume passed over. Consider using a friend’s address or removing it entirely as a remedy.

Promote the company’s needs with your resume

Promoting the company’s needs can be beneficial and get you that second look you need. Research the company’s values and other principles in order to use these to engage the employer while they read a freshly made over resume. Imagine what accomplishments you have parallel to the company’s ideals and highlight them.

Find ways to show what you have in your treasure trove of assets to make the company want you on their team based on what your resume can say.

In conclusion

Although these are only a couple of things to consider changing for the New Year, make it happen. Investing in a resolution that involves positive changes no matter how small is always a good thing.

Get the New Year started on the right foot with an extraordinary resume on standby for the next big break right around the corner.