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Contact the Resume Lady for a Resume or cover letter. see ad on this page.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Working on Getting the Job After the Interview

An outstanding resume and confidence will get you far in the game of job searching. Most candidates with persistence find interviews are in their future. Meeting with the hiring manager of any business or company is a formidable task. In fact, some of the most qualified candidates which have done it several times over still have butterflies in the tummy. After the interview things need to be done to assure they realize you are the best candidate for the job.

This is a wonderful article I wrote at Hubpages pointing out the techniques to keep to after your important meeting.


Come and check it out. This is a great community with lots of quality work. Hubpages is moving up in the world of writing and I for one am happy.

The perfect job means different things for different people. Find the right one for you.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How to Improve Your Nursing Resume

The nursing profession is one which is on the brink of growing by leaps and bounds in the next couple of years and even decades. In fact, this great outlook has been around for several years which accounts for the increase in nursing students, educators and open positions around the country. Even with an abundance of jobs there is still competition. With this in mind, improve a resume whenever possible.

These are several tips and techniques to use to make this happen. Find out what to do with this terrific article.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Resume Writing as a Form of Income

Home based businesses are booming and resume writing is not an exception. In fact the economy has actually contributed to business picking up for many people who have joined the ranks. Whether you are considering a career change, beginning a new career or looking for a second income, educate yourself on what it takes to get it off the ground.

There are literally tons of great pros to beginning a home based business an this is one with lots of great advantages. Along with the advantages are also disadvantages just like any other business start up.

This is a wonderful article outlining what is needed to begin this particular venture. Although it is definitely not for everyone, writing resumes as a work from home job is not as difficult as many people believe.
