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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Get That Job-Important Points for Your Resume

Your resume is typically your employer’s first impression of you. Making a great personal impression can be done without the physical content through a face to face interview. Many employers only spend a couple of minutes glancing through the resumes that they receive make yours stand out from the crowd with these vital points to remember before sending your resume out.

·         Appearances are important. Make sure that the paper your resume is printed on isn’t wrinkled, torn or cheap paper. Make it look great all around by being printed on a great looking piece of paper. It goes without saying to double and triple check for typos, grammatical errors and absolutely no coffee stains on the quality stock paper.

·         The size of your resume should be verified. If you have a career with skills that warrants more than a one page resume, it is fine to create more than one page for your resume. Don’t attempt to reduce your type size to allow a one page fit it will look worse and if the employer has to squint to read it, it won’t be read.

·         Show your outstanding achievements and associations that you have an affiliation with. Don’t send copies of achievement letters or awards. Send resume only.

·         Keep away from copying jargon from your employment manual recounting your career information. You want to reflect you are more qualified than other applicants for the same job. Don’t simply recite your job responsibilities in your resume.

·         Do not reflect the reasons why you left any of your previous employers

·         Be as honest as possible for your employment dates. They may verify your information and you don’t want your first contact with the company to be dishonesty

·         You don’t need to list each and every job you have had for your entire life. HR or personnel in hiring positions are mostly interested in experience related to the current position. They typically look at the last 10 years.

·         If application is submitted online on via email, do not CC another employer with same resume.

·         Personal information such as whether or not you are married or single, race, religion, etc. should not be included in your resume information

·         Focus on your most relevant and current experience for the job. Make it shine. Don’t list your qualifications and include the words “as good as”, “almost had”. These are definite no-nos.

·         A terrific way to structure a resume for a position that you don’t have prior experience is to avoid chronological format in your resume. Use functional format to highlight your skills related to the job

Creating and submitting a resume can be a lot of work. If you don’t feel comfortable enough doing it personally, consider hiring someone to take care of the work for you. In this current economic climate, you want to make sure you have done a great job of the resume to get your foot in the door to an interview. 

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