Need a Resume or Cover Letter?

Contact the Resume Lady for a Resume or cover letter. see ad on this page.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Equipsupply is a distribution company providing tools, materials, goods, resources, parts and fixtures to companies around the world. With internet only sales this business has achieved an overwhelming success in the business that many brick and mortar rivals have yet to see.

The company has 30 years of experience in the industry. This company has the utmost to offer customers and clients in the form of competitive prices and an extensive variety of merchandise. A knowledgeable single minded focus permits Equipsupply to  not only serve customers in a manner which leaves them satisfied, but to also keep them coming back for more.

There are over 40,000 varieties of tools, supplies, parts and accessories on hand for delivery to Equipsupply’s retail customer base on any given day. Not only is this an enormous inventory to select from, but the brands and names associated with the inventory are tied to credibility, trustworthiness and quality. This assures every client shopping with the company for event supplies or concession machines will have reliability in the materials they purchase.

Hfaving the right staffing for the business is beneficial in helping to achieve customer satisfaction. A technology driven call center operated by skilled reps is on hand to satisfy all client needs. A comprehensive, innovative and easy to navigate website delivers uncomplicated access to materials and supplies on hand. This wonderful website creates an atmosphere of ease and reliability for shopping with Equipsupply. Not only is customer service available through the website, email and phone 24/7, but customers have access to  personal account info at any time as well.

Any business fulfilling the needs of their clients will expect and receive gratitude in the form of allegiance and devotion to their brand. Equipsupply is able to state with reliability they have indeed supplied and received these merits in the trade with the impeccable service and products they deliver.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Know the Current Job Market to Get a Job

The amount of individuals across our nation searching for employment is astounding. The employment situation in America is a daily news discussion which has lots of people on edge. The current job market is the result of a lot of people being unemployed. The job market has changed and a number of people are not prepared for these transformations which leaves them out in the cold and without a job. Knowing what is in the job market will help people understand what they need to do to increase their chance of landing a job when they need it.

New college graduates cannot find jobs

Newly graduated college students unable to find jobs have astounded the public. When individuals graduate from college with a degree and are unable to find work we need to wonder what the issue really is. In all actuality before our current recession people with a college degree rarely worked in the field for which they were educated. Up to 65% of people worked in a different field than their college training prepared them for. Though, the job market was a lot different than it is today. A number of jobs didn’t require a college degree or training to get your foot in the door. A college degree was certainly an added plus, but not necessary.

Depending on your major it can be difficult to find employment. Imagine what sort of job you could actually receive if you graduated with a degree in Political Science and wanted to work in the field. Unless you were actually going to become part of the government or service to elections and related fields, you would find yourself in other positions totally unrelated. What about the person with a major in Art History? What sort of job would you actually be able to apply this degree to? This is why a lot of graduates cannot find work. They don’t have the necessary degree or training for the current job market.

Jobs are changing

Technology has affected the current job market. Jobs that were offered in the 70s and 80s have changed. The 90s were preparing us somewhat for the change that was bound to occur, but a lot of individuals disregarded what was on the horizon. With the software revolution jobs that required manual labor were decreased and technology jobs increased.

Software engineers and web designer jobs are rampant while pipe fitters and machinists are not. A lot of jobs that historically were manually done can now be done with technology. Workers that are unable to adapt to the new jobs or new way of performing a job are out of luck. Additionally, with the implementation of technology where 3 people were needed to perform a job only one is needed now. This is how the phrase “downsizing” initially began.

Competing globally for jobs

Along with the revolution in technology workers now compete for jobs globally. Instead of competition with the United States millions of workers, we compete with everyone around the world for the same position. Unfortunately, some of these jobs are lost because of the financial status of other countries. When an employer can pay less and offer fewer benefits, other countries win out over American workers.

Supply and demand for jobs

Supply and demand affects the job market. Business is the demand piece of the puzzle while workers are the supply. Not enough qualified workers affect the current job market. Companies have open positions for new jobs, but workers are not qualified to fill them.

Without enough workers to fill the demand that businesses have for jobs, several things will happen. One of these is wonderful. Companies will increase the amount of pay for open positions in order to entice workers to fill them. Along with more money benefits will also be better.

On the down side of the equation the supply of workers that are not qualified to fill the positions will mean a great number of people are out of work. There are actually jobs in the marketplace, but not enough qualified workers to fill the open jobs.

In conclusion

Know the current job market to understand how you can get the position you want and deserve. Job hunting can be difficult, but there are some things that can ease the pain. If the openings are for software engineers and web designers, focus your college education for where the market will be when you graduate. Following your passions and dreams of becoming a marine biologist is terrific, but will you be able to pay the bills after you graduate. A better course of action would be to invest in technology, engineering and related fields of study.

If you currently are out of work, consider retraining or education that can move you into the technology and jobs that are in our current job market. Researching business magazines like Forbes or Wallstreet will reveal what the market is offering and the direction of businesses that are hiring.

Job hiring sites or hiring job boards like or also display what open jobs are hot. The web is a wonderful place to query what jobs are in demand. Do your research and get a job that can fulfill you financially and personally. The current job market has changed the way we do things for landing a job and we need to change with it.
pic is courtesy of

Know You Financial Worth for a Job Interview

One of the bigger mistakes a lot of people make when applying for a job they don’t know what they are worth. Knowing your financial worth for an interview is extremely important in getting what you want out of a position money-wise with any company and getting what you deserve.

The standard questions during any interview will generally include things like why do you want to work for our company? Why you should I hire you? Etc. Though, the most important question that a lot of interviewees flop on is “what are you salary expectations?”  What you anticipate you will make while you work with a business is a question lots of people will have an answer for. Having the correct one is extremely important.

The answer individuals want to give and the one they actually provide may not coincide or at times the incorrect one is given. Never be afraid to ask for the accurate amount of money for working a job.  Deliver the right answer for what salary you expect to earn. Do your homework before you reply.

A great number of interviewees will underestimate their actual financial worth. You may see the ad for the position offering a range of salary. The range will characteristically be the lowest salary to the highest salary for the position. Make certain the response you give to the question of what your salary expectations are is the right one to assure you receive the income you merit.

For an example, if you are applying for a job as a customer service manager always you do your homework to discover what you should ask for.  You will need to investigate and make inquiries (educated) into the starting salary for customer service managers and how it relates to you. This means when the question is asked, you answer with the right response. If the average earnings are $40,000 and you advise you expect $32,000, you could lose out on $8000 a year simply because you did not take the time to know what you are worth.

A salary range is the spread or difference between the highest and lowest salary for a position. Other things taken into consideration when researching the salary that you can expect includes what part of the nation you live in, if you have a college degree, additional training or certification also means you are adding more money to the base salary you solicit. Asking for the addition money above the base salary will be done with little issue if you substantiate you earned it.

Another great example is an accountant with a range for pay of $31,000 to $42,000 and you have researched that with your credentials, experience and other factors you should solicit $40,000. Answer the question with $40,000 as a response. Don’t get caught in the trap that you currently make $29,000 and $31,000 or $33,000 feels like a great increase in your current wages. Know your worth and make certain you get it.

Several websites will help with discovering salary for positions. Check these out and get the earnings that you know you deserve.

Not only will the incorrect answer cost you financially, but it could possibly cost you the interview. Underestimating the average starting salary for an open position could relay to the interviewer that you didn’t do due diligence in researching info for the customer service manager position. Discovering the salary range for any position is part of the necessary research for a job interview.

great interview info for salary negotiations dos and donts

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


PeachSuite is an online hotel supplies and equipment company that delivers the latest in innovative and unique ideas from all of the top Brands in the industry at affordable pricing to their customers. Hotel supplies, resort supplies, restaurant supplies and restaurant equipment are all presented with the online industry leader

Customers that seek out the most pioneering company of hotel equipment and supplies with the most affordable pricing will always be satisfied with PeachSuite hotel supply products and services.

Products and categories for the business front-runner include; hotel supplies, banquet rooms, bar supplies, kitchen equipment, extended stay equipment, furniture, janitorial supplies, office supplies, signs, concessions and so much more. This terrific company even has a supply of clearance items. As a supply industry leader they have categories such as bed and breakfasts and crib programs as well.

Brand name products are featured items of  Brand names that lead the industry such as Sunbeam, Swifter, Riegel, All-Clad, Anchor and OXO are among featured items with this online retailer.

Along with providing an extremely large assortment of online merchandise inventory for equipment and supplies for hotels, PeachSuite also offers free of charge shipping for any qualifying order that exceeds $500.

The company has created an easy to navigate site which is very attractive and appealing with wonderful images and clear descriptions of each product or supply offered for sale. PeachSuite has a fantastic site which helps customers keep organized with their restaurant equipment and supply needs.

An online customer account can be created for ease of shopping which includes a member profile and order history. Order histories make reordering that much easier for return purchases for repeat customers.

Along with order histories, clients have the ability to build a wish list of items they would like to see the company provide which cannot be currently located online anywhere else and apply for online credit with directly without a middleman. showcases what every client would like to see in a hotel amenities supplier .

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Virtual Accounting Jobs

With the number of large, medium and even small companies outsourcing work, there is a number of different work from home business opportunities which are growing in the marketplace today. Accounting jobs from home is one of the largest home based businesses for any entrepreneur. Legitimate online jobs exist for the accounting industry.

This is a great post/article outlining virtual accounting and online bookkeeping jobs, including companies that connect clients and job hunters. Review this great information and how to get the home based accounting work that you want or need today.

work at home accounting jobs are becoming more prevalent as more companies increase outsourcing

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Greentrainingusa is an online training resource for creating a green collar workforce. The program is an industry leader as an online institution qualified to provide training for state agency programs, trade organizations, and community colleges along with some of the biggest brand name companies in the world today.

One of the most attractive and appealing aspects of utilizing the experience with Greentrainingusa is the flexibility of online study along with hands on training near you. Instructors with Greentrainingusa have the expertise of real world experience shared through instruction with for all online courses. Greentrainingusa is identified as a resnet training provider.

There is a wide range of courses to meet a multitude of needs. Some of the most popular training courses delivered by Greentrainingusa include LEED Green Associate, IECC Code Verifier, IECC Plan Reviewer and BPI Building Analyst to name a few. Students take control of their career future goals and objectives working with Greentrainingusa.

Categories of training that online students can obtain include residential analysis, facility energy management, commercial lighting assessment, energy audit training, LEED training, commercial energy auditor, resnet certification and solar design. These are all green collar workforce avenues that students can take advantage of in their next career choice.

Students can visit with career advisors to help direct their training choices and educational options. Self-paced online courses combined with hands on training onsite makes Greentrainingusa stand out from similar online training programs found across the web today for green certification.

Downloadable study guide and resource materials make working at your own pace easy and clear. Greentrainingusa is committed to their students gaining the right instruction for their next career with easy to understand quality materials that are designed with the intent that every student pass. Any student that fails to pass the online exam the first time can retake the course free of charge.

Students are provided resources for workforce training grants, free marketing ideas and energy audit software for green training.

Workers can take advantage of their career advancement and learn the latest technology in the Green workforce. Confidence in your future is obtained with the right education, knowledge and training received in the Green workforce working with Greentrainingusa.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Behavioral Interviews Made Easy

Acing a behavioral interview is easier than a number of people believe. Numerous individuals hear the term and immediately feel a cold sheen of sweat. This type of job interview doesn’t have to be a difficult task if the right preparation is done. There are ways to make a behavioral job interview easy.

A resume is necessary for every job application. A resume gives a lot of information on anyone looking for a job. Though, the interview tells someone like a hiring manager so much more. The interview is necessary for any job, but a behavioral interview gives an enormous insight into a job seeker that a standard interview could never touch.

Most practiced job seekers provide the right buzz words and breeze through interviews. Companies have moved to behavioral interviews because it is almost impossible to bluff through this type of job interview. Even knowing the industry related to the interview will not help create "pat" responses for an interviewer.

Behavioral interviews generally attempt to bypass the traditional job interview to investigate details of career responsibility, behavior and accomplishments. Job candidates are asked to give specific examples to questions during the interviews making them very different from an ordinary job interview.

Job seekers during behavioral interviewing are being probed for their analytic thinking, communication skills and creativity and innovation tools. Behavioral interviewers look for candidates that can display planning and organizing details, problem solving knowledge and conflict resolution know how. How adept are you are strategic planning?A hiring manager can find answers with behavioral interview questions.

The real strength in this type of interview line of questioning is in the follow up questions asked. For an example, a job hunter may be asked to describe the social media platforms used professionally and how they were integrated into the last career path chosen. The follow up question to describe the specific business objectives that were a direct result of your actions is where routine answers wont make the cut. These are details which promote more honesty and job insight than standard questions. The follow up question is generally where the interviewer is paying the most attention to the details.

It is impossible to prepare for specific questions for a behavioral interview. Although you know the questions will be related to a specific field of business or industry, the details will vary. There is a process to follow that can make answering these questions easy. Three steps will make behavioral interviews easy.

1)      Explain the situation or task you were involved with

2)      Detail the action that was taken

3)      Describe the result that occurred because of your actions

Stick to these three steps to make responding to every question a hiring manager will ask in the course of a behavioral interview easy to answer.

behavioral interviews are easy with the right knowledge and tools

Friday, November 2, 2012

Careers in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is a growing phenomenon that a lot of people have taken advantage of. There list of job opportunities are enormous. From photographers to writers the business of fashion is growing and for job hunters this is a good thing. Anyone with an interest in work in the fashion industry can gain a lot from Erica Sewel, a fashion guru sharing her insight with us.

Nearly everyone that thinks about careers in the fashion industry will immediately take the mental leap that all work in the fashion industry mean modeling or posing for photos. This is certainly not the case. Imagine all sorts of workers earning a living from A to Z.

Erica Sewell is an author and fashion guru sharing this video to take job hunters through the fashion industry and what fashion industry jobs are being offered for job seekers in the world of fashion.

One of ResumeLady's sister blogs, the WriteStuffPenandPaper has an post for freelance writers with an interest in writing for the fashion industry.

pic courtesy of 

Changing Jobs from One Line of Work to Another

A number of people that are building a resume and trying to find a job discover they need to switch from one line of work to another. People have to change jobs and move to a new industry of work for a number of various reasons. When moving from one line of work to another there are a few things to be aware of.

People exchange one job for another many times when they have advanced their education or obtained a degree which doesn’t link up with a current line of work. Lots of people need to replace their current work vocation because they cannot find a job in their line of work. A number of individuals want a job that makes more money. Numerous job hunters are recently retired and want to leave their original line of work. Some recent college graduates desire a more serious job than when they were students.

The reasons that people change jobs are typically unique and more often than not personal.  Everyone has a different circumstance.  As a rule these folks fall into a couple of different categories. Whatever the reason for changing jobs, all are in the same boat when it comes to moving from one job to another in a different line of work and there are some things you should know.

Emotions are part of change

Changing jobs from one industry to another elicits a number of emotions. These range from excitement and expectation to dread or even fear. Anxiety and fear are generally felt because of the unknown.

Educating yourself on what an industry or job has to offer is a great away to get a handle on some of these negative emotions that emerge. When the unknown becomes known it can have a calming effect for any anxiety and fear about changing job industries.

Find a good fit

One of the most important things to know is if this new job will be a good fit. Knowing what duties a job has, what education or training a worker needs as well as the pay are all significant to find out if you will connect with a job. A number of employees even feel a better fit if a company has standards and goals that align with their personal values.

Are the hours working with your current schedule, do you have the personality necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations? Can you get up every morning and go to work to invest 100% or more? Consider a good fit when changing your current line of business to move to a new industry.

Connecting with a job or having a good fit is imperative to character in the workplace. Employees that find a good fit with a job have a better work ethic, higher performance reviews and miss less productive work hours.

A great fit for a job means a wage earner will invest more than simply showing up for a paycheck. Not only does a worker give more, they get more out of the job. Employees  work harder that have a connection with a job, work better and work longer at a position. With all of these things in mind, it is essential to find a job with a good fit for you.  Understanding everything you can about a job will help with making this decision.

In conclusion

These are some of valuable pieces of information for anyone that is changing jobs from one line of work to another. Discovering everything you can about a new job or industry will help you deal with the emotional aspects of the switch and determine if you found a good fit.

With this in mind Resume Lady will outline some jobs or provide links to additional information about a particular job or line of business in addition to the resources for resumes given to all readers. This will enable any job seeker that would like more knowledge about a specific job or industry to find it and put it to good use.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tools for Job Fair Success

Having success at a job fair depends on a lot of factors. Coming prepared is only one of them. This is a list of things that a job fair candidate can do to make certain they are successful at finding work at a job fair time and time again.

Methods and processes for job fair success include resumes, preparation and dressing for a job career fair all make a difference in what outcome job hunters at job fairs can expect to see.

Follow this link to a great article about how to have job fair success

learn how to get the most out of every job fair attended


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Job Acceptance Letter Copy

After you have submitted a resume and interviewed with an employer a job offer is on the table. There are some open positions where a job acceptance letter is more appropriate than a face to face or phone call acceptance. Writing a job acceptance letter doesn’t necessarily have to be a daunting task. There are resources available that provide information on sample job acceptance letters.
Job seekers are sometimes stumped on where to find job acceptance letters. Dont let this small mole hill cost you the next best job on the horizon. This post has more than a few links to job acceptance letters.
Acceptance letters are used to communicate information as well as form the contract between an applicant and employer. There are general sections to an acceptance letter that should be noted.
Remember that these are business letters and should be formatted as such. Keep business letter principles in mind when creating acceptance letters for jobs.
Different sections to job acceptance letter
Generally the first paragraph of an acceptance letter outlines acceptance of the position or job. The first paragraph should convey enthusiasm with receiving the job. The exact title and salary of the position should be included here.
Second and third paragraphs of letters of acceptance talk about details of the open position that include a start date.
Wrap up the letter discussing how you are looking forward to the job.
Follow this link to get a job acceptance letter template for any open position where an acceptance letter for a job is needed.


Differences between a Regular Resume and a Text Resume

The purpose of a resume is an easy way to relay to an employer where an applicant has been career wise. Resumes indicate jobs, duties, education, salaries, locations of previous employers and other pertinent information. A number of job hunters can create a regular resume, but have an interest in how to produce a text resume or making a scannable resume. There are some differences in regular resumes and text resumes. These differences are outlined here.

Job applicants use a text resume for the same purpose a regular resume. There are some differences in text resumes versus traditional resumes. Text resumes or scannable resumes are generally formatted differently than a regular resume.

Why use a scannable resume

Companies have solved the problem of having an enormous amount of resumes for job openings. Businesses are now using databases as a means to quickly and efficiently scan resumes into databases. Databases can use keywords and phrases to easily match job hunters with job openings.

Keywords are indicated for education, skills, experience and other factors which coincide with open positions for employment within the company. Therefore, text resumes should be produced with this information in mind.

Terms and words that are familiar industry jargon are important with a text resume. Company jargon is not something that the average regular resume would see. Words that are industry related for education and skill sets are used to match a text resume with open job positions a job candidate seeks.

Ways regular resume and text resumes are alike

Text resumes still have the same types of heading as a regular resume; name, address, phone number and email. Additional headings include; education, work experience along with any specialized training or certification a job applicant has for the position.

Action words are still important for text resumes the same as regular resumes. However, the emphasis should be placed on industry related words.

All capitalization can be used for major headings. Normal type size and standard typeface is still used for text resumes.

Ways regular resume and text resume are different

The maximum number of characters for any line of content should be 65. Avoid bolding any words in a text resume.

Do not use multiple columns when fashioning a text resume as well as graphics or shading. Keep away from using bullet points or numbering information.

The most important addition to a text resume versus a regular resume is words that companies will use to identify or match the resume to a job opening. Make certain industry words (keywords) are being used. To find the best keywords for the open position, examine the job description provided by the employer. Take words directly from the job description and include these in a text resume for the position as opposed to using your own industry words.

One way to use more keywords for a text resume is renaming specific duties and responsibilities to summary of accomplishments or key skills. A summary or an applicant’s accomplishments opens the door for more keywords and phrases to be included in a resume.

These are the major differences between a regular resume and a text resume. Below is a sample of a text resume


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Best Ways You Can Prepare for a Job Interview

Preparing for a job interview is extremely important. It is not only knowing how to answer the questiosn that are asked, but an overall feeling of being and feeling prepared that can make a difference.

A number of people will practice the question and answer part of a job interview until they are blue in the face and miss the overall preparedness of being ready for the interview itself. This article outlines how to be prepared for a job interview and not miss a beat that can cost you that next great job.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Apply for Online Writing Jobs

Freelance writing jobs are just like any other field of business. The most sought after positions can be the toughest ones to get. With the right tools in hand the job of applying for these can be a little easier.

There are a number of writing sites that have wonderful positions for writers. These are sites that sem to align with a writers interest and generally pay very well.  Review this article to discover how to get these online writing jobs and make earning a living as a writer a little easier.

pic is courtesy of

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Valence Group

Combining global and chemical m&a advisory expertise with unmatched industry knowledge has made the Valence group unsurpassed in the marketplace today for business needs in the world of chemical investment banking.

Valence group is a firm that has joined global advisory intelligence with unmatched chemical industry expertise to make them a world leader in chemical mergers and acquisitions. By specializing in chemical investment banking they can offer clients chemical m&a advisory information that is both useful and profitable.

Clients with interests in the chemical m&a, materials and associated business pursuits can rest assured that Valence Group is focused to develop a wide range of transactional experience useful to client’s business interests. This particular company has been in business for a number of years with a history of delivering unsurpassed proficiency in chemical mergers and acquisitions at major investment banks and chemical companies throughout the world economies. As a single cohesive team with a variety of expertise throughout the field of chemical investment banking, Valence Group can deliver exactly what each client needs to achieve success.

Since Valence Group has seen both sides of the table, advisor and client, they have a unique outlook on how to deliver the best service possible when it comes to originating opportunities and solving issues unique to the chemical investment banking industry.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


JobVine is South Africa's fastest evolving free online job network matching extraordinary jobs with extraordinary employees. Employers are seeking employees for jobs all over South Africa. If you happen to be looking for jobs in Johannesburg, jobs in Pretoria and even jobs in Capetown search the terrific database produced by JobVine. The job opportunities available in South Africa are available throughout a variety of cities in South Africa.

This particular job network happens to be a format developed for entreprenuers that are searching for professions in South Africa in different categories that enable job hunters to connect with professions offering a gateway to a better future both professionally and financially.

This online source can perfectly match job seekers and their skills with the right company. Job categories offered include social careers, manufacturing and sales jobs, security jobs and engineering jobs to name a few.

Job seekers can browse through a number of employment categories and also narrow the search with browsing through specific South African cities or provinces.

Graduate employment sources can also be found with JobVine. Some of the employers have salary negotiation opportunities which make the employment pot even that much sweeter.

A job can say a lot about a person. Employment opportunities and resources can be found all over the world that can match you with exactly what you have always been searching for. Simply knowing where to look can make the difference in how you look and feel about your financial future. Imagine the perfect fit with your education, experience and enjoyment in a career. Knowing where to look is half the battle. JobVine is a source that should be investigated for any entreprenuer that has yet to find the terrific fit for the workplace environment to work and grow in.

Look through the multitude of various jobs that are there for the taking with JobVine. Employers are searching for thousands of applicants for the many wonderful jobs this company can deliver.

The website is wonderfully formed for easy navigation and quick application for any inquiry into the employment offers this online resource delivers.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Green Training USA

America has an online Green Collar Workforce being created with the entrepreneur Green Training USA. This online e-learning center has launched a focused educational platform for students to achieve their certification in different areas of the Green Collar Workforce through educational resources offered by Green Training USA. Students are able to establish confidence with the wonderful online atmosphere found with the company.

This online e-learning leader has concentrated on enhancing each student’s field of study with assured with self-pacing online courses; onsite hands filed training as well as convenient locations across America.  The opportunity of a lifetime can be gained with training in course such as Energy Audit Training, Green Certification, Resnet Certification and so much more in a variety of Green fields of study with Green Training USA.

The latest technological advancements are studied through Green Training USA. Students have a choice between e- learning, blending e- learning plus or classroom training courses in order to obtain their certification or degree. There are downloadable study guides, practice quizzes and video instruction that include detailed presentation materials support each and every student enrolled achieve their educational targets.

Career advisors are integrated with online staffing to help students with shaping goals and objectives for the Green Collar Workforce Training students’ desire.

Learn to gain the confidence needed for future success working with Green Training USA. Results are guaranteed.  Any student that fails certification initially will have the opportunity to retake the course online without additional charge. There are a number of advantages that separate Green Training USA from similar industry competition. Take a tour of what this online provider has to offer and see if this is where your Green Training educational investment should be made.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

MLM Opinion

MLM Opinion is advertised as an online business that happens to be the world’s first free attraction marketing system. Unfortunately, Network Marketing has achieved a somewhat bad rep in many online circles because it’s extremely difficult for many representatives to achieve financial success in the industry. This is because the MLM industry has an attraction for the get rich quick type of crowd. MLM Opinion can show you the real deal in creating income with free MLM training.

MLM free training and tools can help grow a business and achieve financial success. This is a system for home business training that will generate the MLM leads needed for any business with the right amount of investment of hard work.  Getting those leads means your company will get the business  and prospects you desire.

Any successful home based business entrepreneur can tell you that running a home based business fruitfully is just as difficult as a “real job”. There is blood, sweat and sometimes tears involved in making it work productively for you. Though, with the right tools provided by MLM Opinion in your hands, you can make it work for you.

This online company provides useful information related to categories such as getting started, home office, lead generation resources, marketing systems, MLM companies and so much more. Joining forces with MLM Opinion is a great direction to take you and your company in to see the fruits of your labor as they grow into financial success and profits.

Medical Interviews UK

The National Recruitment Office does require all GPs interested in becoming a GPST to pass a GP exam. Detailed information concerning the GP exam and its contents can be located with Medical Interviews UK. This particular online business has created an important stepping stone to the next level of employment and educational resource for a GPST.

In order to become a GP many people take a long and grueling journey. At the end of this particular journey there are some that move their careers in a different direction or choose to further it with the accomplishment of certifying as a GPST. A helping hand can be found with the tools provided by Medical Interviews UK.

The decision to further your career as a GPST is not taken lightly and having the best means to complete the GP exam shouldn’t either. Joining forces with this particular leader in the industry is certainly moving your career in the right direction.

The career ladder to become a GP does include taking a GPexam, so why not put your career a step ahead of the rest by joining forces with Medical Interviews UK? This online business has a focus on making each student’s experience with the GPST a success.

Financial Content Providers

Delivering an average of over 800 stories a day, the Fly on the Wall reports on and filters of Analyst Recommendations, Rumors, Events scheduling, Syndicate information, Hot Stocks and more. Our staff utilizes our long standing relationships with trading desk sources to filter through market information to report the latest breaking news to help explain stock movement. As financial content providers, The Fly on the Wall is an invaluable resource for online financial information.

Our quick-to-the-point news is a valuable resource to help guide you through the enormous amount of available information. Our reporters and editors tell you about analyst comments and how they are affecting markets. Through our comprehensive alert system, you can keep track of the latest Upgrade/Downgrade, Rumor, Syndicate Block Trade, Conference Scheduling, stock market tips and so much more.

With information directly sourced from Wall Street traders, brokers, and institutional investors, the Fly on the Wall effectively delivers relevant, equity news in a concise and timely manner from the stock market today.

Fast Forward Academy

In order to become a tax preparer, you must complete the IRS Tax Preparer Course. This IRS exam is difficult to say the least and many students with an interest in becoming a Registered Tax Return Preparer find studying and passing the income task course a daunting task. However, with the Fast Forward Academy students have the opportunity to find the help they need to become a Registered Tax Return Preparer by passing the IRS Preparer Course.

There are similar online competitors in the industry that may offer a tax class to assist with becoming a task preparer. Though none are as thorough or offer the tools that Fast Forward Academy has put together for their students. Fast Forward Academy can boast the accomplishment of nearly 95% of their students passing the IRS exam on the first try.

This online resource has assembled multiple instruments to carry out their distinguished completion rate for first time students. These tools include a free online test bank, coverage of all topics found on the IRS exam and practice exams. An added bonus includes 5 hours of federal ethics and updates information along with 10 CPE hours.

Fast Forward Academy is the right online resource for any student serious about becoming a Registered Tax Return Preparer.  This particular company has coupled a RTRP CPE, tax course and an RTRP exam study guide that rivals any comparable online tax exam preparation company on the web today.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Infographic for Form 1099K from Outright is an online business financial resource that has displayed an innovation and expertise ahead of the competition in their particular industry. Online small business owners are being introduced to a new tax change with form 1099K which affects $385 billion dollars in taxes for the online sales business industry this year. Countless small business owners are wondering specifically does this means for them. Outright has answered their call for an answer with a wonderful online infographic for the form 1099K on their website.

The tax form 1099K is being introduced to the small businessman with a bang. Via the Housing Assistance Act of 2008 the government is attempting to close a tax gap which could account for an estimated $385 billion. Small businessmen that use online sites such as Amazon or Etsy which have produced 200 transactions along with $20,000 in sales will receive a form 1099K. The tax form 1099K will come from their third party network, sites like PayPal, reporting the total income submitted to the IRS on their behalf.  Outright has taken this opportunity to show the ins and outs of the form 1099K and the effect on the finances of a small business owner. also provides forums and other resources that are extremely useful. These are platforms where users can come together to share extremely useful information, ask questions and get detailed answers to common inquiries shared by all users. Outright is business accounting online made easy. is an online service that can boast each of their clients can be assured their company business financial data is safe and secure by using the identical measures found with online banking. Additionally, there are currently over 100,000 business customers that use for their online accounting needs at this time. Finally, it is extremely easy to get the process started. There is no trial period, no credit card required and no complicated account set up. is free to use. Get to where your company should be, ahead of the competition, by using for your business accounting needs. 

The Valence Group

The Valence Group is an extremely successful specialists focusing on investment banking that delivers M&A consultative amenities to businesses with a focus in chemicals, materials and related sectors of the same industry. The experience provided by The Valence Group is extensive with an emphasis in categories such as sell-side, joint venture, public offers, corporate carve-outs, LBOs, chemical mergers and acquisitions and management buyouts to name only a few of the advisory services available to clients.

Clients that have invested their financial future with The Valence Group have benefited from the knowledge and skills the group’s team members bring to the table when planning and executing the collective expertise needed to benefit each and every client and their customers. Specialized plans of action profit both clients and customers at every turn with an advantage working with this particular company conveys.

As a global company that can involve counterparties from North America, Europe and Asia, The Valence Group stays a step ahead of the competition in the same industry. Essential services that include, but are not limited to issues surrounding environmental contractual provisions, carve out concerns, ongoing supply arrangements, sector regulation and even players involved in sub sectors of chemical advisory services, materials and related sectors can be obtained through this investment banking firm.

As the center of excellence in M&A advisory services to the chemicals, materials and related sectors, your company is in great hands for future success with this particular chemical investment bank. Find the key to success that has been missing from making your company the epitome of what you believe it can be and work with The Valence Group today. 

Southern New Hampshire University

In our current day and age a college student can expect to pay as much for a post high school education as a first home. This means that finding the financial resource to invest in your educational future can be an overwhelming as well as scary task. It certainly doesn’t have to be.  There is help for locating post high school monies to further your education with the help of the FAFSA application.

Every student searching for the monies to attend college will complete the FAFSA or Free Application for Student Aid application. This particular federal program is designed to find free financial aid prospects for all college students in America. Completing the FAFSA application will help a student identify how much monies you will have from the federal government to help in paying for a great investment your future without having the worry of repaying a student loan.

College is certainly an investment in your financial future. However, it is also an investment in establishing other connections with persons that share similar interests with you and joining in relationships that can last a lifetime. Take a moment to complete the FAFSA application for college financial aid with the help of people at Southern New Hampshire University.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

FrugalDad is an online source offering an entire world of web based coupons. This Internet business is the ideal merchant to locate coupons to use for all categories of merchandise. Along with offering coupons, you won’t find a better source of knowledge based on how to deal with debt or how to get to where you want to be in your personal finances.

The FrugalDad merchant was initially produced so the average family would have a source to locate an economic resource that provided a fairly conservative perspective for personal finances. It has grown to be recognized as one of the leaders in their category of online merchants. FrugalDad has been featured in a wealth of prevalent publications which include BusinessWeek, Mashable, as well as The New York Times to name a few.

There are a variety of different classes of online coupon companies in the marketplace today. However, visitors that have taken advantage of what FrugalDad have to offer its subscribers admitted they are more than satisfied. FrugalDad’s popularity with its customers is based on more than simply being an online coupon merchant.
With a database of diverse coupons in various categories, FrugalDad has been formatted to fit a wealth of different lifestyles and budgets for coupons and financial info concerning debt, budgets and so much more. This particular site has developed a priority of helping folks work through their debt and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

There are tons of relevant blog posts on the site which share insight and content about saving money and how to achieve financial freedom and success. There are wonderful posts related to an array of material connected to nearly anything you could imagine. Content is posted around the subjects of blogging to yard sale tips along with everything in between.

FrugalDad gap savings goes farther than simply giving some great advice. They are also responsible for helping monetarily for a number of their subscribers. A great example is the undergraduate scholarship recently won via a contest for members.

If you are searching for a site that can deliver new insight into advice for serious financial matters along with a wonderful database of online coupon codes, FrugalDad is definitely worth an inquiry

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


SideSkills is an online marketplace connecting employers searching for employees with job seekers searching for employers. As one of the fastest growing social employment and career networking platforms found online today, you cannot afford to pass up the unforeseen extraordinary opportunity to use this service.

SideSkills is wonderful for job seekers to locate employment specifically shaped to their needs. Inquiries and offers for clients using this particular service to find jobs will make the arduous task of job hunting simple and easy.

Job seekers are joined with companies they want to work for. Post a resume online with SideSkills for full time, part time or freelance jobs online. There are also various materials offered for managing projects and payment alternatives. With over 1000 various skills to select from the opportunities are almost limitless.

Employers searching for staff can satisfy their needs with little or no effort. Qualified candidates are literally at their doorstep in a matter of moments using the online service. Employers can simply post a job and wait for the right employee to knock at the door.

The efficient candidate screening tools employs an expertise that allows employers to connect with targeted job seekers that fit their specific requirements. Reducing the noise to find the user to fit your exact business needs saves time and energy that can be invested elsewhere.

Networking is another opportunity found with SideSkills. Clients using the service with related business interests can connect and partner together which extends clientele and can literally increase any business. Not only can clients using SideSkills employ professional networking tools, they can also link with friends through the site.

Whether you are searching for work or searching to hire, SideSkills offers a service for businesses and job seekers that cannot be found with comparable companies. Online job posting and managing is free of charge with the site. Additionally, payments can be made online with the site's secure payment system.

Now is the time to engage with this social employment, career networking opportunity for one of the quickest and easiest ways to get hired or to hire your next employee.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

ThinkPassenger is a leader in the marketplace for ljoining online branding with the right platform. If you have the desire to connect, create and communicate a targeted audience and a product or service do so using

ThinkPassenger uses a multitude of resources to accomplish the most beneficial impact for all of their online clients. Online focus groups, digital ethnography, product sampling and consumer trend analysis are only a fraction of the properties exhausted by ThinkPassenger to provide clients with what they need.

Online, on mobile and on social networks you can find ThinkPassenger communicating with both customers and clients to bring satisfaction across the board. By collecting quality measureable intelligence material in one central location ThinkPassenger analyzes and makes an informed decision about member feedback and insight through online focus groups.

Online focus groups are an extraordinary way to connect your brand to a targeted audience. Targeting an audience means that the persons searching for your product or service are able to easily link to what they are seeking. Uniting brands with customers is what ThinkPassenger can achieve with the expertise needed to achieve the best possible outcomes for both customers and clients.

Get started on your community today through ThinkPassenger and what their online sources offer.


For anyone that enjoys watching more than regular television programming, directtv  is offering something that cannot afford to be missed.  DirectTV has formatted their packages to fit customer needs. With a collection of different pricing structures and features there is certainly something to be had for every customer in their wide array of products and features.

Along with having some of the most competitively priced programming packages, DirectTV affords television viewers with more than the average cable television provider. There happens to be something for everyone with the DirectTV packages.

Sports fans can option to have the NFL Sunday ticket added to an assortment of basic packages and never miss a Sunday afternoon football game. Programming packages also include a mixture of various sports channels for fans of other popular sporting events.

Dx3 new customers are offered three free months of viewing HBO, Cinemax, Showtime and Starz. Additionally, four free upgrades with HD DVRs with up to three HD receivers for those programs that you don’t want to miss in HD.

The On Demand feature is extremely popular for busy consumers. On Demand lets viewers see their television shows when they want to watch them versus when they are televised. No more missing your favorite Wednesday night prime time show because of a previous engagement. Simply watch it On Demand whenever it’s convenient for you to do so.  

Electing to purchase one of the wide arrays of direct tv packages available in the market today could make you a very happy television viewer. Imagine saving hundreds of dollars each year on your television entertainment without skimping on your television viewing experience.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Green Training Energy Audit Training

Green Training is constructing America’s green collar workforce through some of the most popular online training courses in the marketplace today. With convenient locations around the nation, Green Training lets clients elect the most flexible online study courses combined with hands on field training.

Instructors that work with Green Training energy audittraining provide students with knowledgeable instructors that possess real world experience. This puts graduates in the unique position of not only having the certification needed for energy audit training, but also makes their online knowledge connect with real world experience.

Students that study with Green Training build the confidence found with an institution that trains for state energy programs, community colleges, trade organizations as well as large brand name companies.

There are a number of different student resources available through Green Training online services for energy audit training that includes; workforce training grants, marketing and resource center, energy audit software, free marketing ideas and hot news in green energy training.

Green Training can help with studies in residential analysis, facility energy management, energy contracting, LEED green building, indoor air and solar. Get green certification in energy training through one of the courses offered by Green Training. Resnet certification or resnet training provider is even available through online courses.

There are also a number of different featured courses available through Green Training comprised of;

·         Commercial energy auditor

·         Facility energy management

·         Commercial lighting assessment

·         NATE Certified HVAC Tech

·         LEED Certification

·         Solar Design

·         Home Inspection

Through Green Training your online training investment opportunities for a Green career are only limited by you. There are a number of different possibilities and potentials to make a future so much brighter than what other similar online services can offer you. Take a moment to investigate Green Training and the Green collar business prospects that may interest you.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Jobs are Looking Good

Summer is a wonderful time of year. The weather is beautiful and this year so is the outlook for summer jobs. The job forecast for this summer is the best it has been for the last 4 years according to the CareerBuildingsAnnual report.

The summer job outlook is bright. Even if you dont happen to be a student looking for summer jobs, you will be surprised at what you may see.

The attached article outlines what summer jobs nearly 30 percent of all employers are expected to provide for job hunters along with the job salary.

Although there are a number of summer job workers that would like to limit their employment to only the summer months, many interships and temp jobs are turning into a permenant position within the company after summer ends.