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Friday, November 2, 2012

Careers in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is a growing phenomenon that a lot of people have taken advantage of. There list of job opportunities are enormous. From photographers to writers the business of fashion is growing and for job hunters this is a good thing. Anyone with an interest in work in the fashion industry can gain a lot from Erica Sewel, a fashion guru sharing her insight with us.

Nearly everyone that thinks about careers in the fashion industry will immediately take the mental leap that all work in the fashion industry mean modeling or posing for photos. This is certainly not the case. Imagine all sorts of workers earning a living from A to Z.

Erica Sewell is an author and fashion guru sharing this video to take job hunters through the fashion industry and what fashion industry jobs are being offered for job seekers in the world of fashion.

One of ResumeLady's sister blogs, the WriteStuffPenandPaper has an post for freelance writers with an interest in writing for the fashion industry.

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