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Friday, November 2, 2012

Changing Jobs from One Line of Work to Another

A number of people that are building a resume and trying to find a job discover they need to switch from one line of work to another. People have to change jobs and move to a new industry of work for a number of various reasons. When moving from one line of work to another there are a few things to be aware of.

People exchange one job for another many times when they have advanced their education or obtained a degree which doesn’t link up with a current line of work. Lots of people need to replace their current work vocation because they cannot find a job in their line of work. A number of individuals want a job that makes more money. Numerous job hunters are recently retired and want to leave their original line of work. Some recent college graduates desire a more serious job than when they were students.

The reasons that people change jobs are typically unique and more often than not personal.  Everyone has a different circumstance.  As a rule these folks fall into a couple of different categories. Whatever the reason for changing jobs, all are in the same boat when it comes to moving from one job to another in a different line of work and there are some things you should know.

Emotions are part of change

Changing jobs from one industry to another elicits a number of emotions. These range from excitement and expectation to dread or even fear. Anxiety and fear are generally felt because of the unknown.

Educating yourself on what an industry or job has to offer is a great away to get a handle on some of these negative emotions that emerge. When the unknown becomes known it can have a calming effect for any anxiety and fear about changing job industries.

Find a good fit

One of the most important things to know is if this new job will be a good fit. Knowing what duties a job has, what education or training a worker needs as well as the pay are all significant to find out if you will connect with a job. A number of employees even feel a better fit if a company has standards and goals that align with their personal values.

Are the hours working with your current schedule, do you have the personality necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations? Can you get up every morning and go to work to invest 100% or more? Consider a good fit when changing your current line of business to move to a new industry.

Connecting with a job or having a good fit is imperative to character in the workplace. Employees that find a good fit with a job have a better work ethic, higher performance reviews and miss less productive work hours.

A great fit for a job means a wage earner will invest more than simply showing up for a paycheck. Not only does a worker give more, they get more out of the job. Employees  work harder that have a connection with a job, work better and work longer at a position. With all of these things in mind, it is essential to find a job with a good fit for you.  Understanding everything you can about a job will help with making this decision.

In conclusion

These are some of valuable pieces of information for anyone that is changing jobs from one line of work to another. Discovering everything you can about a new job or industry will help you deal with the emotional aspects of the switch and determine if you found a good fit.

With this in mind Resume Lady will outline some jobs or provide links to additional information about a particular job or line of business in addition to the resources for resumes given to all readers. This will enable any job seeker that would like more knowledge about a specific job or industry to find it and put it to good use.

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