Need a Resume or Cover Letter?

Contact the Resume Lady for a Resume or cover letter. see ad on this page.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Setting off the alarm on accident

This guest post from Lewis Beck
For those of you that are reading this that have a home alarm system on your house you will probably be able to relate to this story. When I was a little kid my parents had a two-story home with an alarm system complete with motion detectors in the basement and on the first floor. When you are in elementary school and just waking up in the morning to go to breakfast the last thing you are thinking is about the alarm system being set off. The only problem is they way our house was set up the alarm was most definitely going off if you even set one tiny toe on that first step down to the first floor. Of course, my brother and I set the alarm off so frequently the people at Home Alarm Systemsprobably knew our first names by heart and could hear us say our password and know exactly who we were by our voices. The good thing is they understood that there were two small children living in the house and they didn’t give my parents too much trouble about the accidental set offs.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Effectively Using Resume Templates

Resume templates are great and can serve a necessary purpose. These are templates that have been created to make creating an online resume effortless in many cases. However, effectively using resume templates does take a little knowledge and information.

This article will outline how you can effectively use resume templates and make the most of your online resources for creating a terrific resume.

Use the right resume template
Using the right resume template is a great place to start. There are a number of free resume templates available on the internet. One of the most important things with using a resume template is using the right resume template.

You want to use the resume template that is most compatible with your skills, qualifications, experience, profession and the job you are seeking. There are three basic types of templates. These include the Chronological, Functional and a combination of the two. Find the details of the different formats and decide which one will work best for the position that you are applying for. There is not one that works better than the other overall. The key is determining which one will work best for you and your specific situation for the specific position or job that you are seeking.

For an example, the template that works best for an entry level position may not work with for a more experienced professional level position. Additionally, if you are seeking a job in a field where you don’t have a lot of experience but more education one type of template works better than the other. You will use the functional resume where you have more experience, but less education and a combination resume may work where you have less experience, bit more education. The job itself can tell you if one resume works better than the other. If the employer is seeking someone with more experience, but less education one will work better than the other.

Stay away from CCP or Cut Copy and Paste when using a resume template
If at all possible, stay away from cut/copy/paste. Many people will run into issues when they try and short cut the process with a cut, copy and paste technique when working with their resume. There are so many people that are searching for so few jobs that they number of resumes a hiring manager sees is astounding. Make your resume stand out from the rest and avoid thehiring manager identifying that you have used the cut/copy/paste technique by trying to create something that is unique.

Additionally, you don’t want to make an error that will stand out when using the cut/copy/paste technique. The chances of you paying attention to detail is more likely when you are creating a resume instead of trying to cut, copy and paste one.

Action words are important when using a resume template
Action words in a resume are vital and stand out for a hiring manager. Action words are words including in a resume that tell the hiring professional that you include in your resume layout or format. There are even types of software used that identify action words in a resume that stand out to short list the resumes that are received for a position. Action words are searched for on resumes and having action words included in your resume will assure you make the short list of potential candidates.

Writing a resume that is effective is an essential part of searching for a job. With our current economic situation having a leg up on the competition is something that many job seekers are looking for. Effectively using resume templates could be that difference that gets you in the door over the competition.

pic is from

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reasons Why Your Resume Can Be Rejected

The resume is the fundamental resource used for finding a job. This is a reflection of you, your experience, education and many times the only glimpse that a prospective employer will have of the job seeker. Getting your resume in front of the hiring personnel is extremely important. Can you imagine if your resume was rejected unnecessarily?

There are a number of reasons why a resume may get rejected. This article outlines why and how a resume can be rejected. Do not let this happen to you. Find out reasons why your resume can be rejected and avoid these pitfalls.

pic is from

An Effective Cover Letter for Your Resume

Creating an effective cover letter for your resume can make a difference in the content that potential employers review or do not review. A cover letter is just as important as the resume that you attach. This is a great article that describes the different sections of a cover letter and how you can make the most of each.


this is a wonderful video for cover letter for resumes

Monday, January 9, 2012

Five Great Interview Tips

These are great interview tips that can be used for getting your job interview and the open position you are looking forward to.

Take these tips and use them to move forward. Great article about some interview techniques to success.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ten Things That Will Definitely Get You Fired

Nobody ever wants to get fired. I guess if you are a CEO of one of the big bailout banks and get fired with a six million dollar severance package you do not mind much. However, the rest of us are more interested in keeping our bread and butter. You don’t want to get fired.

You can avoid the pink slip by doing your job and keeping your head down. Though, sometimes that is not enough. There are a number of things that an employee can do to get fired. Believe it or not it may not be fair that you were fired because you don’t want to take a shower more than once a month, told your boss where he could shove it or are smarter than a fifth grader and everyone else you work with. These are ten things that will definitely get you fired.

1)      Not being honest on your job application
This one will get you the pink slip quick. Your resume is usually pumped up a little. This is a given and employers know this. However, the job application is another story.

If they want to get rid of you and need a reason they will typically do a quick scan of the application. If you didn’t disclose your felony record for bank robbery before you became a teller at a bank, chances are you won’t be there very long.

Stay away from saying you have your PHD when in fact you don’t. Even if you are several credits away from the BA you better not claim it on the application if you want to keep your job. This will definitely get you fired.
2)      Be sick when it’s convenient for you

Sick days and vacation days are coveted by any employee. These are yours and you hoard them, count them relentlessly and want to take them at your convenience. However, this is not always the case.

If you request a day off and are denied, but happen to be conveniently call in sick for that same day you stand a good chance of being fired.

3)      Be disgusting in the workplace
Regardless of how great a job you are doing for the position if you are disgusting in the workplace they will get rid of you as quickly and as quietly as possible. No one wants to sit next to the guy that has uncontrollable gas and doesn’t know what deodorant is used for.

Personal hygiene is not on the job application or jobdescription, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it is taken into account. Unless you are working from home you will be fired.

4)      You are always right
Everyone has one of these in the office. They will not concede, discuss or compromise. They are always right and never miss a chance to let everyone know it. The ego is a fragile thing and letting you down easy won’t be the case. If you cannot play on the team then you can play alone in the unemployment line. No compromise equals no job. If you always have to be right then you can be fired.

5)      Always keeping your head down
There are times when this may not be a great idea. Of course you want to stay out of office politics and not draw attention to yourself for a number of reasons. However, when it comes to letting someone go they may choose you. If they don’t remember you for your accomplishments they will let you go if someone will need to hit the door.

Some employers may concede that you are not a team player since they never hear from you. No contribution to the team with ideas and thoughts could mean you are going where no one wants to go, the unemployment office. Always keeping your head down will get you fired.

6)      No respect for the chain of command
There is a certain way to do things in the office and the hierarchy must be followed. You cannot go to your boss’s boss without his permission. You cannot go to the CEO or President of the company and then it comes down to your boss that you went up the chain missing him.

Have a sense of what should be said and when. Make certain you know the players and your role in the game. If you don’t, you will get fired.

7)      Be ungrateful
The complainers are always there to let you know how little or how much you should have got. They complain about the raise they received, it wasn’t enough. They complain about a day off, it should have been two. They complain about everything. Complainers are the first to be considered as the employee out the door. 

Remember that we are experiencing the highest unemployment rate in recent history. There are hundreds in line waiting for the table scraps you complain about. Being ungrateful will get you fired.

8)      All your time is spent with the negative energy in the office
The negative energy in the office is employees that gossip, complain and don’t perform. Misery loves company and sometimes we are painted with the company we keep. You may not be the gossip, the complainer or the non-performer. Though, if the boss sees you in their company you are automatically in this click. Stay away from the negative energy in the office. Build your own positive energy so you won’t get fired.

9)      Take responsibility for something that doesnt go right
Being responsible goes a long way toward your character and credibility. There are times when you need to take the responsibility for things not going right. There are some that are always there to be responsible when things are going right. Where are they when things are going wrong? Taking responsibility for things going wrong goes a long way with moving you away from the unemployment line.

10)   Don’t take credit for someone else’s work
Taking credit for other peoples work will get you fired. These are the freeloading folks that are building a team to work on a project and their contribution was getting the coffee. To hear them tell the story they completed the goal all by their lonesome. Don’t take credit for someone else work if you don’t want to be fired.

These are ten definite ways to get fired. Avoid them and you avoid the unemployment process. Don’t get fired if you don’t have to. Take your showers and be grateful for whatever you get

Friday, January 6, 2012

10 Worst Mistakes for First Time Job Hunters

When you are searching for your first job there are some ultimate boo-boos that many job seekers will make. If you happen to be a recent college graduate or looking for a job after you have been out of the loop for a decade or so, you may see some benefit from these useful tips of things to avoid.

Avoiding these mistakes will help you get the job you seek and save you a lot of time and headaches in your ultimate quest for employment.

1)      Don’t delay your job search
There are some people that are procrastinators. This is simply a given. However, in our current economy you simply cannot afford to be. If you start to delay your job search a couple of weeks will generally turn into a couple of months and before you know it you will be wondering where the time went. Guess what? So will the employer that looks at your resume. Where did the time go? It went to in front of the television in your bathrobe. Don’t put off your job search.  

2)      Why didn’t you network?
Believe it or not networking actually works. Networking is not showing up to a few fundraisers and shaking hands. Networking is getting in touch with the folks that can help you get that job. This is a person that may be able to tell you something as simple as who is hiring or who isn’t. Networking is important and shouldn’t be understated.

This is generally the worst part of hunting for a job for many job seekers. However, don’t underestimate what it can provide you.

3)      Apply for more jobs
Don’t rest on your laurels. Even if you think you have the in for a position you never really know the outcome until you know the outcome. Apply for more jobs. Even though a job is a shoe in with your brother in law you never really know until you shake hands and sign on the dotted line. A lot of job seekers will put in one or two apps and believe they are set to go only to find out later they should have been putting in more apps while they sat around for two weeks waiting to hear back on an opportunity.

4)      We make our own way
You are responsible for your own future. This means that you need to do the work. Get up off of the couch and go to the job. Believe it or not the job won’t come to you. Don’t ask your uncle to pick you up an application on his way home on Tuesday. If you are too lazy to get it done yourself how does this relate to the work ethic you take with you. If your uncle forgets and you let a prime offer slip through your fingers it’s your own fault. Make your own way

5)      You never know who is watching
Always be professional. This is a must no matter what. There are times when you may meet a friend or relative in your job hunting road to success. Remember to keep it as professional as possible for a couple of reasons. One is you never know who is watching. The second reason is work should be work and outside of work is outside of work. Keep your professional game face on at all times when you are job seeking.

Your new boss may be watching your unprofessional behavior and not understand this is one of your old fraternity brothers and hear things he shouldn’t or see things that were better left at the Saturday barbecue. Keep it professional because you never know who is watching.

6)      Be a professional and keep it professional
Keeping it professional means dressing, talking and acting like you are a professional. Don’t show up for the interview in jeans and a t-shirt even if this will be the work attire for the position. When you answer your phone remember that you gave this number as a contact for the office where you applied. Keep it professional.

7)      Have you kept track of achievements
Achievements are important and display to a prospective employer that you are someone that makes goals and reaches them. It says that you care about more than yourself and can work as a team. Achievements say a lot about someone. Achievements can be those that you received both in and out of the office. For an example, you organized and led the breast cancer walk for your block or church. Achievements are great and whether you put them on your resume or not you may need to discuss them during the interview. Keep track of how great you are.

8)      Develop relevant skills
If you majored in art history, you may have wasted a lot of money. There aren’t a lot of marketable skills on a wide canvas with that one. Therefore, you need to make certain you are developing other skills to go along with that in the work environment. Take a few IT classes for certification. If you are returning to the workforce after a couple of decades of being out of it and need to learn how to use a computer-get on it before returning to a new course in job seeking. Develop as many relevant skills as possible.

9)      Be honest
Honesty is the best policy when it comes to working in the marketplace. Don’t lie about why you left your last position. There are different ways of saying the same thing. This is nice to remember if you were fired or outgrew your previous position and you and your current boss realized it simultaneously (wink). Be honest on your resume and your interview.

10)   Perseverance is key
You probably won’t get the first job you seek or maybe even the sixth. However, you need to continue on your quest. This is the key to success. Many job hunters will give up when the next job they would have gone after would have been the one. Don’t be defeated. This is hard work and anyone that tells you different never had to do it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Essential Tips for a Success with Job Searching

This is a related article that is extremely interesting for essential tips for job searching and career success. Its nicely put together by an author by the name of Rozza and I wanted to share it with my readers.

pic is courtesy of