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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Checking the Status of an Application

After writing a killer resume and submitting it to a prospective employer you want to check the status of your application. This is usually best if you haven’t heard anything back in a reasonable amount of time. Whether you are expect ting a call, email or letter, hearing back after you submit an application or resume can be nerve wrecking. How should you check on the status of an application?

In today’s job market hearing back from an employer can vary. There are so many applicants for so few open opportunities that a reasonable amount of time can certainly vary from where it was several years ago. When you submit your application online, drop it off or even mail it in.

Online postings
If you responded to a job opening via an online posting, confirm if the post is still online as an open job. This is a great way to determine if you are expecting a response too soon.  If the post is still online, applications or resumes may still be accepted for the open position. If application or resumes are still being accepted the employer may not have made a decision yet. This means that you may not hear back anytime fairly soon.  If the job is no longer online or posted, chances are that applications or resumes are no longer being accepted and you should hear something fairly soon. This is a great way to gage not only where the employer is in the application process, but when you can expect to hear something concerning the job.

Other types of applications
If you have submitted your application or resume through other avenues, two weeks is a reasonable amount of time to wait for a response. Many jobs will advise a time frame for receiving applications so expect to count two weeks from the ending date of when the employer is accepting resumes and apps.      
What to discuss when you contact the employer
After a couple of weeks have passed contact the employer either by phone or email. This is a common script to follow to utilize as a guide for asking the status of the job and your application;
Hello, my name is____________
I recently applied to _____________for the open position of______________ with your company. I submitted my application/resume on _________________ and would like to find out the status of my application for the open position.
When you provide your name, give your full name as submitted with your application. Use the title of the position as outlined with the open position posted by the employer.

Things you should know
·         The employer will more than likely let you know where they are at in the hiring process.
·         it is always best to contact the employer the same way you submitted your app. If you submitted electronically, contact the employer electronically, by email.

·         Attach your original docs when sending your electronic inquiry
·         Let the employer know you care about the position and the importance of it and you are not applying to every open app online
These are important points to follow if you would like to know the status of your application or resume submission of an open job opportunity.

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