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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Behavioral Interviews Made Easy

Acing a behavioral interview is easier than a number of people believe. Numerous individuals hear the term and immediately feel a cold sheen of sweat. This type of job interview doesn’t have to be a difficult task if the right preparation is done. There are ways to make a behavioral job interview easy.

A resume is necessary for every job application. A resume gives a lot of information on anyone looking for a job. Though, the interview tells someone like a hiring manager so much more. The interview is necessary for any job, but a behavioral interview gives an enormous insight into a job seeker that a standard interview could never touch.

Most practiced job seekers provide the right buzz words and breeze through interviews. Companies have moved to behavioral interviews because it is almost impossible to bluff through this type of job interview. Even knowing the industry related to the interview will not help create "pat" responses for an interviewer.

Behavioral interviews generally attempt to bypass the traditional job interview to investigate details of career responsibility, behavior and accomplishments. Job candidates are asked to give specific examples to questions during the interviews making them very different from an ordinary job interview.

Job seekers during behavioral interviewing are being probed for their analytic thinking, communication skills and creativity and innovation tools. Behavioral interviewers look for candidates that can display planning and organizing details, problem solving knowledge and conflict resolution know how. How adept are you are strategic planning?A hiring manager can find answers with behavioral interview questions.

The real strength in this type of interview line of questioning is in the follow up questions asked. For an example, a job hunter may be asked to describe the social media platforms used professionally and how they were integrated into the last career path chosen. The follow up question to describe the specific business objectives that were a direct result of your actions is where routine answers wont make the cut. These are details which promote more honesty and job insight than standard questions. The follow up question is generally where the interviewer is paying the most attention to the details.

It is impossible to prepare for specific questions for a behavioral interview. Although you know the questions will be related to a specific field of business or industry, the details will vary. There is a process to follow that can make answering these questions easy. Three steps will make behavioral interviews easy.

1)      Explain the situation or task you were involved with

2)      Detail the action that was taken

3)      Describe the result that occurred because of your actions

Stick to these three steps to make responding to every question a hiring manager will ask in the course of a behavioral interview easy to answer.

behavioral interviews are easy with the right knowledge and tools

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