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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Job Acceptance Letter Copy

After you have submitted a resume and interviewed with an employer a job offer is on the table. There are some open positions where a job acceptance letter is more appropriate than a face to face or phone call acceptance. Writing a job acceptance letter doesn’t necessarily have to be a daunting task. There are resources available that provide information on sample job acceptance letters.
Job seekers are sometimes stumped on where to find job acceptance letters. Dont let this small mole hill cost you the next best job on the horizon. This post has more than a few links to job acceptance letters.
Acceptance letters are used to communicate information as well as form the contract between an applicant and employer. There are general sections to an acceptance letter that should be noted.
Remember that these are business letters and should be formatted as such. Keep business letter principles in mind when creating acceptance letters for jobs.
Different sections to job acceptance letter
Generally the first paragraph of an acceptance letter outlines acceptance of the position or job. The first paragraph should convey enthusiasm with receiving the job. The exact title and salary of the position should be included here.
Second and third paragraphs of letters of acceptance talk about details of the open position that include a start date.
Wrap up the letter discussing how you are looking forward to the job.
Follow this link to get a job acceptance letter template for any open position where an acceptance letter for a job is needed.


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