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Monday, March 7, 2011

Looking for Work over the Age of 40

With our current economy many are having a difficult time finding work. Looking for work isn’t an issue, finding work is the hurdle to cross.  There are multiple reasons why workers in the community over the age of 40 are having a hard time finding employment.

Unfortunately, age discrimination exists. Two of the highest reasons for age discrimination are the fact that many employers assume that workers over the age of 40;

1.       will cost employers more than an younger worker in benefits and salaries
2.       know less about technology than their younger counterparts

In order to combat the assumption that over 40 means more salary and more benefits, you want to advise the employer that you do have other motivations for working other than salary. You don’t want to appear desperate (even if you are). Provide the employer with you value added to the company. What inspires and motivates you to work.

Old dogs can learn new tricks and it’s vital that you get this point across to your employer. You can demonstrate to employers how active your ability to learn is. Advise them you are committed to lifelong learning.

Additionally, if you have had previous employment experiences that didn’t involve working with computer or internet technology, you need to bone up on your new tricks. Research has shown that people continue to learn well into their 50s and 60s.

You can take computer classes at the local community colleges, online or purchase software that can instruct you on computer basics. Get comfortable around them and on them.  One way to show that you are on top of things is to build a blog, website, Facebook or Twitter page and post that link in your resume.

Remember when you use social networks that employers will be viewing this information so keep the content business like or set your privacy settings for what you allow them to see. There have been employers that have refused to offer a job based on information on an applicant’s social network page.

Being over the age of 40 doesn’t mean you are out of the race; you just need to try some new running shoes and run the race you’ve won many times before.

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