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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Working on Your Resume, While You are Still Working

Resume is a blog concerned with anything about and around resumes. With the economic climate in our country where it has been for the last several years, resumes are something that those without current employment are concerned with. However, if you are employed you also need to make certain that you are always working on your resume to continue to add work and experience to it just in case you may need it.

Many people in the workforce today don’t consider the value of having a resume that is continually being updated. A resume that is continually being updated with new education and training as well as employment skills and knowledge is a great idea. You can do several things in your current employment to make sure that this occurs.

There are a lot of companies that permit their employees to take internal courses, external courses, training and move to different positions within the company. If you happen to be an employee in an industry that offers these opportunities don’t hesitate to take advantage at each chance you get.

Depending upon which industry you are employed in will determine what additional courses or training is available to you. There are some that are free of charge and others may cost you a nominal fee.

Small businesses as well as larger companies will offer their employees the chance to take computer courses to learn Word, Excel, Power Point and other Windows programs. Although some are related to your current position, some may not be. Whether or not you can use them in your current position or not, take any and all that are offered and affordable, especially if free of charge. For example, you may not use Power Point in your current position, but a position you may be interested in applying for may have Power Point as a requirement.

Taking these courses can do several things for you as an employee;

·         Show your employer that you are interested in continually growing and learning new things

·         Put additional benefits on your current resume

·         May possibly fill in educational requirements necessary for another position you may wish to apply for

·         Personally provide you with more education or information that can help you do your current job better

·         If the worse should happen and your position is no longer available to you, you can take this additional knowledge, training or certification with you elsewhere

·         Make your employee review better

·         Hopeful help you make more money in the long run

Imagine that you are a nurse in a facility that allows continued education free of charge. Your current professional status is a L.P.N (licensed practical nurse). However, you can attain your R.N. (registered nurse) degree free of charge while employed. This will save you thousands of dollars in education, get you wonderful reviews which in turn leads to higher raises  as well as helping you make more money in your profession whether you remain with the same employer or not.

Remember that a resume is a something that you need all the time, whether you are currently employed or not. Having the opportunity to work in it to make it better should be taken advantage of at every turn.

 pic is courtesy of

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