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Contact the Resume Lady for a Resume or cover letter. see ad on this page.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Work as a 14 Year Old

There are a number of 14 year olds that want to work and are interested in ways to go about finding employment. This is an article that provides facts and information for 14 year olds that want to work.

There are a number of various rules and regulations concerning working as a teen in America teens should be aware of. When looking for work, teens need to know about the number of hours each day and week they can work. Teens can work in some industries, but not in others. Additionally, some states require Work Certificates completed before starting a job.

This article provides useful and relevant info for 14 year olds that want to find work.


Monday, March 26, 2012

The Color Clothes You Wear for a Job Interview Can Make a Difference

Does the color of the clothes you wear to a job interview make a difference? You bet it does. Color plays a major role in working with the emotions that are conveyed to someone that sees you, especially for the first time. What color you wear for your job interview could get you hired if you play your cards right.

Blue and black are conservative and can say power and professionalism. Colors can say unspoken things about you when you sit across from the hiring manager for the first time.

This is an overview of how the colors of your clothing can effect the outcome of a job interview. Wear the right colors for the right job and walk away with it.


Sunday, March 25, 2012


Guest post written by my buddy Aldo Mays

I am so pumped about the speculation on the new iPad. I know that it is going to be awesome! I have been scouring the internet with my reading clear 4g, trying to find any information that I can about the new iPad that is going to hit the market soon. I was one of the first in line to purchase the first generation iPad when it came out almost three years ago. I haven’t put it down since. I often thought about buying the second generation, but I knew that a new one would eventually come out. Because all the new internet devices are pushing the 4g, I figure that the new iPad will have 4g. All the geek blogs speculate that the new iPad is going to have a really awesome new resolution screen, even better than it has been in the past. They are also guessing that the new iPadwill have a much better camera and even be able to record movies in HD. I’m not sure if everything that I have been hearing is true, but I sure can’t wait to find out!

Identify Work at Home Scams

As you are sending out resume number one hundred you are imagining how nice it might be to be your own boss as a work at home entrepreneur. There are hundreds of thousands of small business entrepreneurs that have taken the leap of faith and made things happen to transfer from the office to working at home.

Along with the extraordinary opportunity to be your own boss there are some negative aspects to working at home. There are scammers and scams all over the web. Make certain in your venture to start your own business working from home you don't fall prey to any work at home scams.

This is an article to help identify work at home scams at a glance.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

US News Universe

Experience plus the proper credentials are the way to get ahead in almost all career fields.  The increased acceptance and availability of online learning from accredited colleges gives workers at all levels the ability to position themselves for a promotion or a new position at another company.  By taking and completing onlinebachelor degree programs or online masters programs you can greatly increase your income potential and reduce your likelihood of being unemployed. If you are just starting your career or looking to enter a new field you may want to consider earning an AA degree. You can two it in two years or less and gain entry into a number of well-paying industries like allied health or technology.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Resume Mistakes that Make an Employer Hate You

Resumes are the bread and butter of the unemployed in our current industry. Having a great resume will get you the job opportunity that you deserve each and every time. knowing what hiring managers are looking for from the inside out is a great way to create a document, your resume that gets the job done. These are mistakes that make an employer hate you and that should be avoided at all costs.

Time is critical for decision makers
A hiring manager needs to be able to read your resume in a short amount of time. This doesn’t mean to write a half of a page resume. However, don’t write a novel when submitting your resume either. Make certain that your resume is not too long or too short.

Hiring managers are literally reading hundreds of resumes for each job position. If you have a clear and concise resume you will stand out. A resume should say in 20 seconds or less how you are bringing  assets to the company, how you can generate new business or retain customers as well as adding value to the company by working there.

Make a resume that has focus and direction
This is critical for a hiring manager. There are a lot of resumes that are submitted that are not dedicated to the job at hand. Your resume should be directional for the open position, intelligent, easy to follow along with meaningful. Make certain that even if you have some job hopping that you can connect skills you acquire with the current open position.

Some knowledge of the industry for which you apply is needed
Although a lot of people are finding they will have to accept jobs in a field they don’t necessarily want, you still need to connect with the industry on your resume. Although you may have went to school for Modern Art you need to apply for a business job opportunity and make it work with your resume. You must connect your to the target industry in each resume submitted.

Keep the most important information at the top
Hiring managers are busy people. They are reading hundreds of resumes and will get bored easy. Reading all of these resumes is like watching paint dry. This being said, keep as much of your important information as possible at the top. They will catch what you want them to before losing interest.

What are you bringing to the table with your skills and education that someone else is not? What can you provide that someone else cannot? Where do you fit into the company picture? Make the important material known immediately.

Remember to list achievements instead of what you have done
Don’t list what you did, list what you achieved. For an example, “I worked as the business rep for the Midwest Division”. This is great. Though, what sounds better is “I worked as the business rep for the Midwest Division and increased marketing sales by 30% during my first quarter”. See the difference? You may have worked for the Midwest marketing division and burned down the break room for all they know. Brag a little on your accomplishments with work history information in a resume.

Don’t lie on your resume
Exaggerations can get awful close to lying. Avoid lies because they will eventually catch up to you. There is never a good reason to lie on a resume. Decision makers will routinely check information and you don’t want to get caught in a lie and ruin your chances of a job and your reputation.

If you have to say something unpleasant there are different ways to say the same thing. Find one if needed.

Use the right resume for the right job
Don’t use a cookie cutter resume. Use the appropriate resume for the job. There are at a minimum 10 different types of resumes that include functional, chronological and other types. When you start cutting and pasting a hiring manager will notice and you could miss out on a great job. Additionally, this is a great way to increase the likelihood of making errors and mistakes that look ridiculous on a great resume.

Don’t submit a resume that makes an employer hate you. Stay away from these things and fashion a winning resume.

Five Mistakes to Avoid on Your Resume

Resumes are extremely important in this current day and age. This is the first impression that hiring managers review instead of the old school face to face sit down. Submitting the right resume is critical. Instead of focusing on what to include in your resume, concentrate on mistakes that can ruin a great resume. These are five mistakes to avoid on your resume that could potentially cost you a great job opportunity.

You don’t need a professional resume writer to create a kick butt resume. You can have a professional resume with a little ingenuity and know how. Avoid these five mistakes and make a killer resume in your spare time.

Resumes that read like a job description are not good
Resumes are similar to job descriptions in many ways. However, they are not. There are some differences that should stand out in a resume that you will never see in a job description. For an example, when you have a resume that reads “responsible for sales in the Midwest Territory for Acme Company” this doesn’t tell me anything about what you accomplished. Simply stating what you did is a job description. Write about what you achieved in your resume. Write that you increased the overall sales closing by 10% when you were responsible for the Midwest Territory for Acme Company.

Don’t have formatting that cannot work someplace other than your personal computer
Everyone doesn’t use the same computer Word processing programs. Therefore, be careful where you create your resume. Make certain that any resume can translate well to other Word processing programs.

You can check to see how your resume looks in Word, Open Office, Google Docs, etc before you send it out. This is a big mistake to avoid on your resume with a little editing.

Put numbers in your resume
A lot of people will shy away from putting any numbers in their resume. This is a resume mistake that should be avoided. Numbers are a good thing and can bridge the corporate bridge in some cases. In other cases it makes you look extremely good. For an example, instead of saying that you increased the corporate sales, brag a little. Tell the hiring manager that you increased the corporate sales by 25%.

Too long or too short of a resume
Resumes that are too long or too short will cost you. There is no magic number of words for the content when you write a resume. However, a visual appeal is necessary for any written doc. Therefore, when you have 15 years of experience don’t feel compelled to list every little thing and have an eight page document. If you only have college education and one year of internship don’t make a half of a page for your resume content. Make a resume visually appealing by not having one that is too long or too short.

Take out the objective statement
Everyone has the same objective when they submit a resume, to get a job. An objective statement is not necessary and is rather redundant. Anything original or unique that you would like to share should be included in your cover letter. Stay away from objective statements in your resume.

These are five mistakes to avoid on your resume. Produce a great document that will get you the job opportunity you deserve by investing in a great resume by avoiding these five mistakes. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Write a Good CNA Resume for Nursing Future

A good CNA resume can provide you with the open position that you desire.

A simple and basic application for these open positions for certified nursing assistants simply won’t get you the job. A simple application plus more is needed in order to separate you from other applicants that want the same opportunity.

Having a good CNA resume is something that every certified nursing assistant in the workforce needs for success. This is a wonderful article that can outline what you need, why you need it and how to get it all on paper in front of the right people.

pic is courtesy of

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Know the Best Job Interview Outfits

Everyone knows that first impressions are extremely important. This means that when you get a job interview you want to make your best first impression with a hiring manager by looking your best. Almost 55% of what another person thinks of you depends on how you look. Know the best job interview outfits and wear them to get the open position you know you are qualified for.

This article outlines the best job interview outfits for both men and women.

wear-the-best-job-interview-outfits/ for pic

Best Job Interview Questions to Ask a Job Interviewer

Asking questions during a job interview is a must. When the hiring manager turns to you and asks if you have any questions, you do. The best job interview questions to ask a job interviewer are listed here. These are questions that you have prepared for ahead of time and will show the interviewer that you take the opportunity seriously and have done your homework.

Check out this outline and information of the best job interview questions to ask a job interviewer when you get the opportunity to sit in the interview seat.


pic is courtesy of