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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Effective Resume Writing Tips

Effective resume writing requires the proper presentation of every section in resume. Many people think that resume writing is a simple job and does not require many efforts. But this isn't true. Writing resumes is a tricky job and one should take proper care while presenting his/her details on resume. Following the resume tips for writing the resume will help you to create a masterpiece resume and make impact on employers.
Effective Resume Writing Tips:
• Memorize the details that you want to write on your resume. Make sure that these details are relevant to your job profile. Frame this information into meaningful and attractive sentences.
• Start your resume with your contact details on the top. Write your contact details on the top of every page of your resume. These contact details should include your name, address, contact number and your e-mail ID.
• Job objective section is the first section in resume. It presents your career goals and shows your perspective towards the job. Your job objective should explain to the employer what you can provide to the company and how can the company get benefited, rather than how you would be benefited from the company.
• If you are writing the resume for the recent graduate or fresher, you can write the academic credentials after your career objective. Fresher candidate do not possess any work experience to attract the employers and hence one has to focus on educational details and acquired skills to grab the attention of the employers.
• In case, if you are experienced candidate, you can write the experience section after career objective followed by the skills section. Your job relevant work experience will make you stand out from the crowd.
• The skills section consists of transferable skills like interpersonal skills and management skills, and the technical skills. The fresher candidate should focus on writing the skills on resume. Give examples of how you can utilize the skills to work efficiently. For the experienced candidate, it is not necessary to mention the soft skills; instead you can mention only technical skills.
• Awards and honors during previous employments or academics can be listed under separate heading reading "Awards and Honors".
• Make sure that you don't make simple grammatical or spelling mistakes in writing resume. Proof read the resume before finalizing it for sending.
Following the above resume tips will help you to write an effective resume. Choose the appropriate resume format that will best suit your job application and emphasize your specialized qualities to the prospective employer.
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