Need a Resume or Cover Letter?

Contact the Resume Lady for a Resume or cover letter. see ad on this page.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tools for Job Fair Success

Having success at a job fair depends on a lot of factors. Coming prepared is only one of them. This is a list of things that a job fair candidate can do to make certain they are successful at finding work at a job fair time and time again.

Methods and processes for job fair success include resumes, preparation and dressing for a job career fair all make a difference in what outcome job hunters at job fairs can expect to see.

Follow this link to a great article about how to have job fair success

learn how to get the most out of every job fair attended


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Job Acceptance Letter Copy

After you have submitted a resume and interviewed with an employer a job offer is on the table. There are some open positions where a job acceptance letter is more appropriate than a face to face or phone call acceptance. Writing a job acceptance letter doesn’t necessarily have to be a daunting task. There are resources available that provide information on sample job acceptance letters.
Job seekers are sometimes stumped on where to find job acceptance letters. Dont let this small mole hill cost you the next best job on the horizon. This post has more than a few links to job acceptance letters.
Acceptance letters are used to communicate information as well as form the contract between an applicant and employer. There are general sections to an acceptance letter that should be noted.
Remember that these are business letters and should be formatted as such. Keep business letter principles in mind when creating acceptance letters for jobs.
Different sections to job acceptance letter
Generally the first paragraph of an acceptance letter outlines acceptance of the position or job. The first paragraph should convey enthusiasm with receiving the job. The exact title and salary of the position should be included here.
Second and third paragraphs of letters of acceptance talk about details of the open position that include a start date.
Wrap up the letter discussing how you are looking forward to the job.
Follow this link to get a job acceptance letter template for any open position where an acceptance letter for a job is needed.


Differences between a Regular Resume and a Text Resume

The purpose of a resume is an easy way to relay to an employer where an applicant has been career wise. Resumes indicate jobs, duties, education, salaries, locations of previous employers and other pertinent information. A number of job hunters can create a regular resume, but have an interest in how to produce a text resume or making a scannable resume. There are some differences in regular resumes and text resumes. These differences are outlined here.

Job applicants use a text resume for the same purpose a regular resume. There are some differences in text resumes versus traditional resumes. Text resumes or scannable resumes are generally formatted differently than a regular resume.

Why use a scannable resume

Companies have solved the problem of having an enormous amount of resumes for job openings. Businesses are now using databases as a means to quickly and efficiently scan resumes into databases. Databases can use keywords and phrases to easily match job hunters with job openings.

Keywords are indicated for education, skills, experience and other factors which coincide with open positions for employment within the company. Therefore, text resumes should be produced with this information in mind.

Terms and words that are familiar industry jargon are important with a text resume. Company jargon is not something that the average regular resume would see. Words that are industry related for education and skill sets are used to match a text resume with open job positions a job candidate seeks.

Ways regular resume and text resumes are alike

Text resumes still have the same types of heading as a regular resume; name, address, phone number and email. Additional headings include; education, work experience along with any specialized training or certification a job applicant has for the position.

Action words are still important for text resumes the same as regular resumes. However, the emphasis should be placed on industry related words.

All capitalization can be used for major headings. Normal type size and standard typeface is still used for text resumes.

Ways regular resume and text resume are different

The maximum number of characters for any line of content should be 65. Avoid bolding any words in a text resume.

Do not use multiple columns when fashioning a text resume as well as graphics or shading. Keep away from using bullet points or numbering information.

The most important addition to a text resume versus a regular resume is words that companies will use to identify or match the resume to a job opening. Make certain industry words (keywords) are being used. To find the best keywords for the open position, examine the job description provided by the employer. Take words directly from the job description and include these in a text resume for the position as opposed to using your own industry words.

One way to use more keywords for a text resume is renaming specific duties and responsibilities to summary of accomplishments or key skills. A summary or an applicant’s accomplishments opens the door for more keywords and phrases to be included in a resume.

These are the major differences between a regular resume and a text resume. Below is a sample of a text resume


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Best Ways You Can Prepare for a Job Interview

Preparing for a job interview is extremely important. It is not only knowing how to answer the questiosn that are asked, but an overall feeling of being and feeling prepared that can make a difference.

A number of people will practice the question and answer part of a job interview until they are blue in the face and miss the overall preparedness of being ready for the interview itself. This article outlines how to be prepared for a job interview and not miss a beat that can cost you that next great job.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Apply for Online Writing Jobs

Freelance writing jobs are just like any other field of business. The most sought after positions can be the toughest ones to get. With the right tools in hand the job of applying for these can be a little easier.

There are a number of writing sites that have wonderful positions for writers. These are sites that sem to align with a writers interest and generally pay very well.  Review this article to discover how to get these online writing jobs and make earning a living as a writer a little easier.

pic is courtesy of

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Valence Group

Combining global and chemical m&a advisory expertise with unmatched industry knowledge has made the Valence group unsurpassed in the marketplace today for business needs in the world of chemical investment banking.

Valence group is a firm that has joined global advisory intelligence with unmatched chemical industry expertise to make them a world leader in chemical mergers and acquisitions. By specializing in chemical investment banking they can offer clients chemical m&a advisory information that is both useful and profitable.

Clients with interests in the chemical m&a, materials and associated business pursuits can rest assured that Valence Group is focused to develop a wide range of transactional experience useful to client’s business interests. This particular company has been in business for a number of years with a history of delivering unsurpassed proficiency in chemical mergers and acquisitions at major investment banks and chemical companies throughout the world economies. As a single cohesive team with a variety of expertise throughout the field of chemical investment banking, Valence Group can deliver exactly what each client needs to achieve success.

Since Valence Group has seen both sides of the table, advisor and client, they have a unique outlook on how to deliver the best service possible when it comes to originating opportunities and solving issues unique to the chemical investment banking industry.