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Monday, August 15, 2011

Questions to Ask During Salary Negotiation

Generally what you ask during salary negotiation will not confirm how much you will eventually earn. However, it may display to your employer whether or not you’re good at negotiating which is a skill that is highly profitable for any employer.
Many people in America are not use to bargaining or haggling for anything. The art of negotiation is something that doesn’t come easy for many. Though, many times without negotiations you could be losing out on what you should be getting out of your employer.
There is always a risk when questions are asked when an offer is presented. Keep this in mind if you decide you want to ask questions during salary negotiation. However, all they can say is no, right?
These are questions that can benefit you during salary negotiations.
Is this negotiable?
This is the most important question. If the answer is no, no further questions need be asked. If they do answer no, maybe you can negotiate other things such as benefits or bonuses.
Is this base pay only?
Depending upon what the job offer is, you may receive bonuses or other compensation.
Thank you-is this a firm offer?
Always say thank you to demonstrate how professional you are. Remember your professional etiquette. Make certain you have been offered a job before embarrassing yourself and the interviewer. Depending upon how the offer is presented, there may be questions as to whether or not they are offering you a position or something else. Maybe they want another interview or want you to understand the details of the position.
Do I have to answer right now? or When do you need an answer?
Answering on the spot when you are not sure or certain could be a horrible huge mistake. If you need time to consider the position or offer, take it. The difference of 24 or 48 hours may not be a life and death matter for many situations.

Is there a sign on bonus?
There are times when a sign on bonus is offered. If this is the norm for your niche, make certain you get all that is coming to you.

Can I negotiate for an increase in salary earlier than the normal evaluation period?
This is usually asked if they tell you there is no room for salary negotiation at this time.  Requesting an earlier negotiation time for your salary than the usual review period can help you if you are a go getter. Remember, you want to demonstrate how valuable you are to the company.

These are questions that can help you when attempting to negotiate your salary. The money is one of the most, if not the most important question or discussion you may have with your new position. providing pic

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