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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ways to Boost Your Career or Get Ahead in Your Current Position

Resume Lady has quite a few posts about interviews, resumes and getting the job. However, I wanted to add to the blog by occasionally promoting information on keeping your job or getting ahead in your current job or position. In this current economy it’s not enough to be employed, finding ways to stay employed seems to be just as important.

That being said, there are ways to boost your career and get promoted. Many people must spend the majority of their time working on getting customers and the company to succeed. There are times when you need to concentrate more time on your success and your career ahead. Of course performance matters most. However, sometimes persona plays a role in boosting your career.

These are several different tips and techniques that can help boost your career and make you stand out positively from the rest of the pack. Simply said, ways to get job promotions and moving your career forward.

Be known for something worthwhile
Everyone remembers the screw up or the mess up. The IT tech that had everyone without computer access for half of the day or the big layoff that removed an entire division from the company is never forgotten. How about being recognized for something good or even great, but above all positive?
Being the supervisor for turning around a group of struggling employees or areas is a wonderful way to get your foot in the door or on the map. Pick a mission and put in the work to see it through. You may not receive the overtime pay for the work, but in the end becoming known for something worthwhile will pay for itself with a promotion or being first to come to mind with an open job position
Sometimes it can be something as simple as updating all of the employees emergency contact information quarterly as a routine or verifying that the process created several years ago is still valid. Recertify older information is still just as great as creating new information as a way of being ahead of the curve. While you are recertifying, if updating should or could be done, do it.

Be first but with a purpose
Being the first to arrive is wonderful, but it’s more about what you do with that time that stands out. Organize your day; get a jump on older email. Pro-active positive responses are what those in charge will remember about you and can make them see you in another position doing more with something better.

Create a project of your own
Not all projects need to cost the company money. There are some smaller ones that can do the organization, coworkers or company as a whole a benefit without costing thousands of dollars. Sometimes it may be a simple as moving files to a more beneficial location within the office space.
Excelling at a project someone else has created will get you a pat on the back. However, creating and excelling at your own creation is the icing on top of the cake and will help in getting a better job.
Reorganizing the supply cupboard=no matter how small a project it is can show initiative, working independently and helping the team which are all positive attributes that may make a difference when you least expect it. Showing you can work independently can work toward promoting a career.

Personal interests
Many supervisors and team leaders have a tendency to show too little of their personal side. You need to allow people to know you personally a little bit. There is a line between business and pleasure or personal. However, if you tend to be someone that shows no personality whatsoever you is hurting yourself in large organizations or crowded markets. Don’t step too far over the line, but show a small bit of what makes you =you

Hard work
There is no substitution for hard work and it shows. Going above and beyond is always rewarded. Work hard at everything you do. not everyone is perfect, but strive for perfection and you will receive excellence. Not everyone is working as hard as they can in most scenarios and situations and it will be reflected in their work. Quality is rewarded and hard work will pay off for companies that matter and want hard workers in better positions and better jobs

These are several tips and techniques that can be used to get ahead in your current position and ways of boosting your career.


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