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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


PeachSuite is an online hotel supplies and equipment company that delivers the latest in innovative and unique ideas from all of the top Brands in the industry at affordable pricing to their customers. Hotel supplies, resort supplies, restaurant supplies and restaurant equipment are all presented with the online industry leader

Customers that seek out the most pioneering company of hotel equipment and supplies with the most affordable pricing will always be satisfied with PeachSuite hotel supply products and services.

Products and categories for the business front-runner include; hotel supplies, banquet rooms, bar supplies, kitchen equipment, extended stay equipment, furniture, janitorial supplies, office supplies, signs, concessions and so much more. This terrific company even has a supply of clearance items. As a supply industry leader they have categories such as bed and breakfasts and crib programs as well.

Brand name products are featured items of  Brand names that lead the industry such as Sunbeam, Swifter, Riegel, All-Clad, Anchor and OXO are among featured items with this online retailer.

Along with providing an extremely large assortment of online merchandise inventory for equipment and supplies for hotels, PeachSuite also offers free of charge shipping for any qualifying order that exceeds $500.

The company has created an easy to navigate site which is very attractive and appealing with wonderful images and clear descriptions of each product or supply offered for sale. PeachSuite has a fantastic site which helps customers keep organized with their restaurant equipment and supply needs.

An online customer account can be created for ease of shopping which includes a member profile and order history. Order histories make reordering that much easier for return purchases for repeat customers.

Along with order histories, clients have the ability to build a wish list of items they would like to see the company provide which cannot be currently located online anywhere else and apply for online credit with directly without a middleman. showcases what every client would like to see in a hotel amenities supplier .

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Virtual Accounting Jobs

With the number of large, medium and even small companies outsourcing work, there is a number of different work from home business opportunities which are growing in the marketplace today. Accounting jobs from home is one of the largest home based businesses for any entrepreneur. Legitimate online jobs exist for the accounting industry.

This is a great post/article outlining virtual accounting and online bookkeeping jobs, including companies that connect clients and job hunters. Review this great information and how to get the home based accounting work that you want or need today.

work at home accounting jobs are becoming more prevalent as more companies increase outsourcing

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Greentrainingusa is an online training resource for creating a green collar workforce. The program is an industry leader as an online institution qualified to provide training for state agency programs, trade organizations, and community colleges along with some of the biggest brand name companies in the world today.

One of the most attractive and appealing aspects of utilizing the experience with Greentrainingusa is the flexibility of online study along with hands on training near you. Instructors with Greentrainingusa have the expertise of real world experience shared through instruction with for all online courses. Greentrainingusa is identified as a resnet training provider.

There is a wide range of courses to meet a multitude of needs. Some of the most popular training courses delivered by Greentrainingusa include LEED Green Associate, IECC Code Verifier, IECC Plan Reviewer and BPI Building Analyst to name a few. Students take control of their career future goals and objectives working with Greentrainingusa.

Categories of training that online students can obtain include residential analysis, facility energy management, commercial lighting assessment, energy audit training, LEED training, commercial energy auditor, resnet certification and solar design. These are all green collar workforce avenues that students can take advantage of in their next career choice.

Students can visit with career advisors to help direct their training choices and educational options. Self-paced online courses combined with hands on training onsite makes Greentrainingusa stand out from similar online training programs found across the web today for green certification.

Downloadable study guide and resource materials make working at your own pace easy and clear. Greentrainingusa is committed to their students gaining the right instruction for their next career with easy to understand quality materials that are designed with the intent that every student pass. Any student that fails to pass the online exam the first time can retake the course free of charge.

Students are provided resources for workforce training grants, free marketing ideas and energy audit software for green training.

Workers can take advantage of their career advancement and learn the latest technology in the Green workforce. Confidence in your future is obtained with the right education, knowledge and training received in the Green workforce working with Greentrainingusa.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Behavioral Interviews Made Easy

Acing a behavioral interview is easier than a number of people believe. Numerous individuals hear the term and immediately feel a cold sheen of sweat. This type of job interview doesn’t have to be a difficult task if the right preparation is done. There are ways to make a behavioral job interview easy.

A resume is necessary for every job application. A resume gives a lot of information on anyone looking for a job. Though, the interview tells someone like a hiring manager so much more. The interview is necessary for any job, but a behavioral interview gives an enormous insight into a job seeker that a standard interview could never touch.

Most practiced job seekers provide the right buzz words and breeze through interviews. Companies have moved to behavioral interviews because it is almost impossible to bluff through this type of job interview. Even knowing the industry related to the interview will not help create "pat" responses for an interviewer.

Behavioral interviews generally attempt to bypass the traditional job interview to investigate details of career responsibility, behavior and accomplishments. Job candidates are asked to give specific examples to questions during the interviews making them very different from an ordinary job interview.

Job seekers during behavioral interviewing are being probed for their analytic thinking, communication skills and creativity and innovation tools. Behavioral interviewers look for candidates that can display planning and organizing details, problem solving knowledge and conflict resolution know how. How adept are you are strategic planning?A hiring manager can find answers with behavioral interview questions.

The real strength in this type of interview line of questioning is in the follow up questions asked. For an example, a job hunter may be asked to describe the social media platforms used professionally and how they were integrated into the last career path chosen. The follow up question to describe the specific business objectives that were a direct result of your actions is where routine answers wont make the cut. These are details which promote more honesty and job insight than standard questions. The follow up question is generally where the interviewer is paying the most attention to the details.

It is impossible to prepare for specific questions for a behavioral interview. Although you know the questions will be related to a specific field of business or industry, the details will vary. There is a process to follow that can make answering these questions easy. Three steps will make behavioral interviews easy.

1)      Explain the situation or task you were involved with

2)      Detail the action that was taken

3)      Describe the result that occurred because of your actions

Stick to these three steps to make responding to every question a hiring manager will ask in the course of a behavioral interview easy to answer.

behavioral interviews are easy with the right knowledge and tools

Friday, November 2, 2012

Careers in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is a growing phenomenon that a lot of people have taken advantage of. There list of job opportunities are enormous. From photographers to writers the business of fashion is growing and for job hunters this is a good thing. Anyone with an interest in work in the fashion industry can gain a lot from Erica Sewel, a fashion guru sharing her insight with us.

Nearly everyone that thinks about careers in the fashion industry will immediately take the mental leap that all work in the fashion industry mean modeling or posing for photos. This is certainly not the case. Imagine all sorts of workers earning a living from A to Z.

Erica Sewell is an author and fashion guru sharing this video to take job hunters through the fashion industry and what fashion industry jobs are being offered for job seekers in the world of fashion.

One of ResumeLady's sister blogs, the WriteStuffPenandPaper has an post for freelance writers with an interest in writing for the fashion industry.

pic courtesy of 

Changing Jobs from One Line of Work to Another

A number of people that are building a resume and trying to find a job discover they need to switch from one line of work to another. People have to change jobs and move to a new industry of work for a number of various reasons. When moving from one line of work to another there are a few things to be aware of.

People exchange one job for another many times when they have advanced their education or obtained a degree which doesn’t link up with a current line of work. Lots of people need to replace their current work vocation because they cannot find a job in their line of work. A number of individuals want a job that makes more money. Numerous job hunters are recently retired and want to leave their original line of work. Some recent college graduates desire a more serious job than when they were students.

The reasons that people change jobs are typically unique and more often than not personal.  Everyone has a different circumstance.  As a rule these folks fall into a couple of different categories. Whatever the reason for changing jobs, all are in the same boat when it comes to moving from one job to another in a different line of work and there are some things you should know.

Emotions are part of change

Changing jobs from one industry to another elicits a number of emotions. These range from excitement and expectation to dread or even fear. Anxiety and fear are generally felt because of the unknown.

Educating yourself on what an industry or job has to offer is a great away to get a handle on some of these negative emotions that emerge. When the unknown becomes known it can have a calming effect for any anxiety and fear about changing job industries.

Find a good fit

One of the most important things to know is if this new job will be a good fit. Knowing what duties a job has, what education or training a worker needs as well as the pay are all significant to find out if you will connect with a job. A number of employees even feel a better fit if a company has standards and goals that align with their personal values.

Are the hours working with your current schedule, do you have the personality necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations? Can you get up every morning and go to work to invest 100% or more? Consider a good fit when changing your current line of business to move to a new industry.

Connecting with a job or having a good fit is imperative to character in the workplace. Employees that find a good fit with a job have a better work ethic, higher performance reviews and miss less productive work hours.

A great fit for a job means a wage earner will invest more than simply showing up for a paycheck. Not only does a worker give more, they get more out of the job. Employees  work harder that have a connection with a job, work better and work longer at a position. With all of these things in mind, it is essential to find a job with a good fit for you.  Understanding everything you can about a job will help with making this decision.

In conclusion

These are some of valuable pieces of information for anyone that is changing jobs from one line of work to another. Discovering everything you can about a new job or industry will help you deal with the emotional aspects of the switch and determine if you found a good fit.

With this in mind Resume Lady will outline some jobs or provide links to additional information about a particular job or line of business in addition to the resources for resumes given to all readers. This will enable any job seeker that would like more knowledge about a specific job or industry to find it and put it to good use.